Part 79: Eventing (Henry POV)

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I am still going over it.

I am still wondering how I got here.

And what's more, I can't believe that I am:

We were about to make up. After weeks of fighting, which I don't normally do-I usually just quit-we were about to make up. It'd been almost three weeks, and that's a long time for me unless I am doing a film or a series or, or...something! 

We were barely able to keep our hands off each other in the car, but Graham was giving us a time of it. Playing the chauffeur, he was, unfortunately, a perfect chaperone, and there was no wall between the front and back seats. I squeezed her knee.

"Lady Edenvale?" Graham calls softly.

She rolled her eyes. "Yes?"

"I just wanted you to know that you received an invitation today."

"To what?"

"To the Bridgerton Bash."

"To the what?" I'd never heard of that.

"Ah, well, there's going to be a party at a real castle," she shrugs, but her eyes are alight with excitement. "a whole weekend." She frowns. "I didn't expect to be invited."

"Why not?" Graham laughs. "This is just another step in making you part of the gentry!" 

"You'll come with me, Henry?"

"Of course," I tell her, kissing her nose. Out of the corner of my eye and I can see Graham's disapproval, like I care.

We are at the eventing, and she is off admiring the horses in the stables. It is her favorite thing to do. She likes to slip off from watching eyes and just relax with the stablemen and horses, and I understand, knowing that now she feels like she is being watched. I wanted to tell her welcome to my world, but she'd spent an hour in public, and needed a break. I get that.

I am sipping a bit of champagne in a huge tent when I suddenly hear a voice.


I inwardly cringe, recognizing the voice of Lady Lara. I like her-genuinely-but I love who I am with, and that is that.  I wish I'd had a go at her before--


I measure my smile. "Lara!" 

She takes my hand and we exchange friendly kisses on the cheek. "Where have you been?"


 I watch the light go out of her eyes. "Ah."

The accusation was clear in her voice, and a part of me winced. Truthfully I owe the woman nothing, but those first meetings showed promise and we both knew it.

"Decided she is up to snuff, have you?"

That might as well have been a slap to the face.  My head spun as if it did. "I beg your pardon?"

"I thought we had...a connection of sorts."

"We do," I say softly, almost under my breath, but maintain a mask of pleasantness that doesn't quite reach my eyes. "We have shared interests--"

Lara's chin lifts, a sure sign of trouble as her blue eyes narrow up at me. "And is that all?"

I look around. "Projects as well." I see my Lady Edenvale do a double take in the distance, her glance becoming a stare.  Graham is at her side, and I can't miss his smirk. "And I am sure I will be in touch. Excuse me." I walk toward her and it seems like a distance. Then I see Jared striding toward her and talking with her.

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