Part 81: The Second Strike

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Henry had business back in London, and you have a meeting with the school and Jared to finish the final plans on the library.  You absolutely hate parting with him. After the weekend you had with him, you honestly couldn't be happier:

"That's it, love," Henry's voice was encouraging, intense with need as he lowered you onto him. "Take me..." The words were hissed softly against your neck as he braced you against Luc. You told him that if you went for a ride, tracks would prove if you both dismounted and went somewhere else. So, he decided that your feet simply would not touch the ground. He already told you the story that you would tell. Luc got spooked and reared, and he dismounted to check on you, hence his feet next to Luc's. After "assurances" were made, you'd continue on.

"Ahhh..." You bit your lip to try to contain your inclination to moan and scream aloud as you were lifted and lowered, pinned between the Luc and him. His passion makes you feel helpless, and yours strengthens you to hold onto him, not daring to let go. "Henry," your whimper was a sort of high-pitched hiss as your fingers dug into his jacket, your knees squeezed his sides and your feet pointed with your body quivering around him. "Ohhhhh....!"

He muffles your cry with ragged kisses but then his head fell back. "Bite your lip, love!" He said hoarsely. 

Your head fell back again, surrendering to him, needing him. You dizzily wondered if things like this happened back then-following those rules in public only in the hopes of finding some time away, some hidden place to let go. You bit your lip a little harder as you raked his back back and then gripped. 

"Uhhhnnnn...." Henry's thrusting slowed, but didn't lose intensity as his hips bucked you. Your body was limp, having climaxed three times so quickly. This weekend had been intense and full of intimate intrigues. Your grip lessened and he held you to him like a limp doll as he planted small butterfly kisses on your cheek and temple. "That was good, darling, that was good."

You pulled back to look at him, the combination of the look in his eyes and what he had done washing over you and making you even more short of breath. Though he looked so relaxed, you didn't miss that glint in his eye. "'re dangerous."

He winked at you and pulled your underwear out of his pocket, planting you on Luc side saddle so he could help you put them back on. He raised you one more time and you are ready to go.

"I'm sure I look disheveled."

"Remember, Luc had a scare and you had to get him under control," he shook his head sympathetically, running his fingers through his hair. "You're bound to look a little unkempt." He tilted his head and smirked, his look holding a glint of humor and sarcasm. "That was quite a ride, milady. Are you alright?"

You shook your head at him. "You rake. I'll recover." 

"You little pixie, leading me astray," He said softly. "I doubt I know the way home." He swung up on his horse.

"The way back to bed?"

"Ah! I remember, thank you."

You both share an intimate laugh.

"There you are!" Graham said angrily. "You are not supposed to ride alone with him!"

"I only rode around the property--"

"We were not gone long," you gasped as if offended.

"Mere minutes, really," Henry shrugged. "What can happen?"

"Enough that you should be married!"

You both flashed your rings at him.

Graham's jaw tightened as his nostrils flared. "You were in the wooded areas--" 

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