Part 86: A KISA...Finally

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Henry POV

It had been a whirlwind month, and a very quiet one at that.

I couldn't believe we pulled it off.

We are returning to America-and she is with me!

I watch her sleeping in the opposite chair on our flight. Her laptop is open, her glasses are at the very tip of her nose. She has been a bit queasy on this flight, but it is a long one. These last few weeks have been a whirlwind, true enough, but we are alright now. She actually read aloud to me, and I to her, on this trip. She claims I am biased, but I honestly believe she could be an animated or audio book voice. I decide to talk more with her about it later.

Watching her sleep, her steady and rhythmic breathing, I am taken back to that night:

It had been a long day at the law office. I did not realize a phone call such as this would be addressed so quickly, that even the Americas would awaken in a few simple words. The conference calls were easy enough, she didn't seem to want very much and I was proud of her for that. She did own land after all, she did have her own.

"Mr. Cavill, we will be landing soon."

"Thank you," I nod to the flight attendant. I close my laptop and lean forward. "Darling, we're going to land soon." She looked so cute. I nudge her softly. "Darling?"


"We are landing."

She springs into action, packing her things, putting together whatever the flight attendant would take away, and prepares for landing.

"How does it feel to be home?"

She gives a small smile and shrugs. "Weird."


"My life is so different, now." She looks out of the window.

"Good thing?"

She laughs softly and looks at me. "Of course it is." She is quiet for a moment and adds, "I just see things so differently, that's all."

We get off the plane, and a private car is waiting.

"Just getting whisked away aren't we?" she asks.

I take her hand. "We are here because I have to work. Given the circumstances, I was able to have you with me."

"Oh, so I can—"

"I'd rather you stay at the house."

"I—I can't go out?!"

"I'd rather you not," I gave her hand a squeeze. "Even though we are vaccinated. For now. Humor me?"

She gives a sigh.

"Plenty to do at the house, I haven't been there since before the pandemic, so things should be alright. Just order things, alright?"

She sighs. "I understand." She gives me the sweetest look of trust, and I feel a wave a warmth pass through me. She curls next to me and sighs.

"You've been so tired lately."

"Yeah, I know," she chuckles. "but hey, I still kept all my deadlines." She smiles brightly.

"You do have some change of address forms to do, right?"

"I can do them online."

"But your IDs, your passports?"

"I'll get them done, but I have to be in person for those."

"Yes, I guess you would," I smile down at her. "Take a nap. You barely slept on the jet"

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