Chapter 33: Wrapped

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Your heart is hurting.

Very soon, you will be done with filming on this location. What will you do now? Where will it leave you? You don't want to go home, you simply don't. You have been able to breathe these last four months-even with the craziness of a job you love and a whirlwind turned very real romance with Henry. You've even begun writing again when Henry is busy studying scripts or gaming. Life is good. You need to extend your visa, but how?

When you finally tell Henry how you feel one night as you sit in the window looking out over the countryside, he simply says, "We'll find a way, I've no doubt of it." He is quiet for a moment.


"You've never told me, love," he says softly.


"Why you left the States," he looks at you. "Why you don't seem to want to go home."

"Do you want me to go home?"

"I want you to answer my question."

You sigh. "I had a job I loved but I wasn't going to get promoted. I was struggling as a writer and stressing. My love life? Let's not go there. My family had me in Cinderella mode. My great uncle passed, left me money, and I bolted."

"You left?"

"Some say I ran away."

He was quiet. "Do you feel you did?"

"I send money every month," you shrug. "I send emails, I text."

"But no face to face?"



"I don't know."

"How did you leave?" he asks, then gives a sarcastic smirk. "Did you call from the airport?"

You don't answer. That's exactly what you did. You paid off your bills, left a card to transfer money to for them, packed, and left. You were getting ready to board when they started calling you.

He gasps. "That's...that's..." he shakes his head at you. "there are things you aren't telling me."

"Just that they thought I'd be there forever, nothing would change for me ever," you sigh, feeling tears come to your eyes.

"So you took the bull by the horns, and made a run for it," he nods.

"I didn't know what else to do," you whisper tearfully. "I felt like I was dying, my dreams were dying. I was so scared if I didn't do something I'd be too scared to do anything."

He smiles at you. "So..."

You mirror his smile. "I heard about the con, the panel. I thought, 'bucket list.' I'd been to Europe before during my eighteenth summer, and I loved it. I always wanted to return. Suddenly, after my job put me on furlough because of Covid, I thought, 'run.'"

"And I found out you were here because you posted it on social media," he smiles. "Finding who you really were wasn't hard."

"I never thought anyone cared to look," you shrug.

"I did," he grins. "Those stories were so fun and sexy, I had to at least lay eyes on you once."

"And what did you think?"

"I was right."

You frown.

"Warm, intelligent, sexy," he smiles. "Nice eyes."

"I didn't know what to make of you," you smile back. "I just wanted to see for myself."


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