Chapter 67: Straight to The Castle

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He acts more like a proud father, you think as you drive to Trent.

Today is the official day that you will prepare for your first eventing, or at least be fit for it one day. You want to have the skills and know how to work with Luc, but you also feel that he ran many races, made people a lot of money and deserves to have a leisurely life from now on. When you told Finn this, he looked puzzled, but of course, Henry understands.

"So you see, love, if you make him fit for eventing, it gives him another job," Henry reasons as you get out of the car. "He's too young to retire, and just having the ability increases his value and will make him hard for Finn to sell."

Again your throat tightens. The idea of Finn selling Luc is the stuff of nightmares.

"And sweetheart?" he breaks into your thoughts. "You're the only one who can do this, and that gives you some rights. Finn can book appearances, exhibitions for you and Luc, and that helps Trent, perhaps other horses like him. I know this sounds like business—"

"It is business, Henry," you sigh, looking at your hands in your lap. "but, I do like the idea of helping other retired horses, other horses people might throw away."

As you approach the stable, you hear a voice that is aggressive and you hear tapping. You move faster than Henry and run inside. At Luc's stable, you see a tall man dressed for hunting talking to Finn.

"Get away from him!" you yell. You reach the stable and see Luc backed away from his stable gate, wanting no part of the man.

"I used to own him—"

"You used to mistreat him so he'd run faster!"

The man looks at Finn. "I thought there would be no interference, Finn."

"Apparently, there is—"

"What—what's going on?" Henry asks, running up to the scene. He immediately covers part of the entrance to Luc's stable, and you slip inside.

"Luc?" you whisper. "Luc, baby, it's me, Luc." You near him. "What happened?" You see the horse's eyes shift to the entrance and you go to him, calming him down. "We'll fix it, okay? We'll fix it." You are cooing to him and feeding him carrots, listening to the conversation.

"I heard he is more manageable so I thought—"

"You'd take him for a fox hunt," Henry concludes. "I don't think so."

"I was trying to tell Lord Sableton that may not be possible," Finn says softly. "Luc—"

"Lucifer," Lord Sableton concludes, and Luc whinneys and snorts nervously. "See? Knows his name, that one."

"It's a trigger," Henry argues. "Don't do this, Finn. It could destroy the progress she's made with him."

"I offered a more than decent rental price—"


"I think—" You quietly slide the bridle over Luc's nose and ears. "it's time for a turnout, don't you?" You are relieved to find a light blanket, throwing it over his back, and use a stool to swing up on him. You reach down and push the gate, surprising all three men. "How about over my dead body, you piece of shit!"

Finn gasps, but Henry looks worried.

"I am Lord Sableton—"

"You are not my lord," you say through clenched teeth. "You are not a noble man!"

Henry's eyes widen at the play on words. He knows what you are about to do. "Darling—"

"I can't, Henry," you say tearfully. "I'm sorry. YA!" You bolt with Luc, somehow steer him into a jump over a bale of hay, and head down Trail 2, the Yellow Trail.

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