Chapter 9: Lines in the Sand

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Henry was watching you by mirror reflection while he worked out. You tried not to stare at him, but truthfully, Stella was not much better. Watching him work his back and hips in that way made you have thoughts that sent waves of heat over you remembering makeout sessions on his couch. But you knew something no one did. He was holding you to your dare:

You were laughing with Stella, trying to lift dumbbells that are just too heavy for you. Tens and twenties, but fifty?

"Try fifty!" Stella pushed. "I bet you can do it!"

"I can, but not for long," you said. You put both your hands on the handhold, and deadlifted it. You held it and Stella gasped. You counted to ten and was ready to put it down. "Getting heavy—"

Just then, Archer comes up behind you-too close behind you-to help you with the weight.

You pulled away quickly. "I got it."

"Wow, sorry, just trying to help," Archer's smile was easy, but his eyes flickered with concern.

"I'm okay, thanks," You carefully set down the weights. You looked in the mirror, seeing Henry watching you, and exhaled heavily. You turned to face Archer. "I guess, it's just that..." you took a breath. "I'm taken, you know, and if he was here—"

"Taken?" He asked with surprise, eyes widening. "Since when?" He looked around and locked eyes with Henry, who refocused on his curls. "Him?" He whispered and shook his head in disbelief and dawning hurt. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"About what?" you asked, trying to look like that silent exchange didn't happen. You saw it in the mirror, and since instincts were firing on all cylinders, this did not play out the way you'd hoped.

"It's a secret, isn't it? Don't worry, it's safe with me-the hook up and the eventual breakup." Archer shook his head and walked away but turned to say one more thing. " Just don't say I didn't warn you, alright?"

"I still wish you would have told me."

Your attention snaps back to present as you are walking out of the gym with Stella. "Huh?"

Stella looks sad. "Archer is still a little upset. What's the guy's name again?"

You sigh. She deserves to know the truth. "Dal. We talked, and he asked me not to be with anyone."

"How do you know this guy isn't doing whatever he wants-whomever he wants-back in London?" She gives you a shake. "We've been here for weeks now."

You sigh, knowing that Stella means well, but she doesn't realize your beau is a lot closer than she thinks. "I believe him—" You whisper, quickly glancing at Henry. "at least for now."

"Are you still going to be my wing girl?"


"Stuart and I are getting closer but you can still come to the gym and what not?" Stella pleads. "At least be a partner if Archer wants one? Come on, you like him a little, don't you?"

"But what if—" You watch Stella's look of disappointment. "I guess there's no harm since we all know where we stand, right?"

"Yeah, he just seems to be over it one minute, then upset the next."

"If he finds someone else, I just won't have to go." Archer is a decent guy, and you are relieved that Stella hasn't realized he is only upset when you are at the gym and Henry is there.

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