Chapter 43: Captured

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Chapter 43: Captured

You are sitting in your favorite window seat, co-editing a script on Teams. The house is filled with soft music playing. You are thoroughly relaxed and pre-production is going well on your side.

Suddenly you are getting messages...and follows...and dings...and messages from people you haven't talked to in some time. "Oh, no..." You breathe. Suddenly, you see Stella's picture pop up. She's ringing you. You click on.

"I'm so sorry!"

"Stella?" You say slowly "Hey, what's wrong? I had the weirdest thing—"


You see a link and click on it.

"Have you seen The Mirror? eOnline?"


"Check the website!"

You click on and see a clip of you and Stella having lunch. And you can tell what is going to happen next. You remember. Henry pulls you to his side, and looks down at you. Your body language says it all: couple. If they put together the picture from Christmas, deductive reasoning and a little face recognition. You sigh heavily. "Oh."

"Are you okay?"

"I have to be," you say softly. You start to think. You realize that if your real name is compromised, your writing pseudonym may not be. "Hold on!" You scramble to your laptop and check. All the accounts under that are amazingly safe. You double check to make sure there are no connections between the accounts except for follows. You unfollow and follow yourself to try to make sure you are not the first follower on your pseudonym page. It works on some of them, but not others. You make every profile private and evens shut some down. You exhale heavily.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm just making sure no one can guess my writing pseudonym." You are tapping and dragging and X'ing like a mad woman.

But even as you heave a sigh of relief that no one has found the writer in you, you see yourself under fire as yourself.

"You've got to be kidding me!"

"She looks okay."

"Hey, it's his choice. What if she's a nice person?"

"Okay, I definitely liked the last one better."

"Her? Her?!"

"She must have laid that shit on him good."

"They don't look right together."

"Enter Golddigger Number Whatever."

"If she cuffed him, you know she got somethin' going on."

"I hate her. I like her...but I hate her."

"Where did she come from?"

"Who is she?"

"I checked. This chick isn't even in his world, his level, I think."

"Cinderella?! NOOOOOOOOO! Supposed to be ME!"

"The countdown is on as of the first picture, you know that."

"Anybody find anything else?"

Your heart begins to race as you read the comments You shut down the site and sit back. Your writing profile remains in tact, and you still hope to grow it, yet, you've done other work under your real name that could be shut off to the world. Your children's books and other writings are now harder to find and look at unless you create yet another profile of some kind.

If He Was Your Fan (A Henry Cavill Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora