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"I made her cry."

That was Eddie's excuse. One that almost got him to get kicked out from Nancy's party, and he was going to leave, all for the sake of not telling anyone about your past. You defended him by saying that he let you hit him, and everyone was confused at that, but by the look on your face and your reddened eyes, no one pressed on the subject.

You told everything to Robin the next day.

"I can't believe you went through all of that... I promise, I won't hurt you like that, I don't want to see you hurt like that." Those were Robin's words as she hugged you, tears running down her face as you sobbed onto her shoulder, staining her white blouse with your running mascara. It was going to be hard, trusting someone like you had trusted Camila or Henry in your past, but Robin was already there, and all that was left was this small step of telling her everything.

She was also angry that Eddie got to know about it first, but you explained to her that he made you snap and it just slipped out of your mouth. You simply exploded, and deep in your heart you kind of thanked him for that. A small part of your heart of course. Robin now understood why you hit him, and her respect for Eddie stood like always thanks to that, because Eddie never let anyone hit him again, not after what he went through in high school.

Because of everything that happened, you still didn't break the news of your new relationship to the group. You weren't going to steal Nancy's spotlight on her birthday, and then you were just too broken, with wounds wide open through the week. Billy came by to take care of you, almost everyday, not even knowing about what was going on with you, but simply staying next to you, cuddling you, pampering you, giving soft kisses on your forehead until you felt like getting back onto your two feet again.

"Whatever happened, I'm here for you baby, okay?" He whispered over and over to you, and the warmth you felt for him was growing each day. You never thought he would be an attentive boyfriend, yet, he has been proving you wrong for weeks, and this week in particular just made you more and more vulnerable to him. You were letting down your walls, slowly, and maybe you can tell him about this past of yours, but now, it wasn't the time, not when it was this fresh.

"Liana wants to see you in her office." Your thoughts were completely cut off as you looked up from your cut ups and small paragraphs as you arranged a page for the magazine. Robin was looking at you with a confused look on her face, and she simply shrugged at you, not knowing what your boss wanted. You slowly stood up from your chair, your heart increasing its pace because she was still your boss, despite the friendly conversations you might have with her, she was still your superior.

"What could possibly be the issue? I gave all the final reviews in time." You say to Robin as she walks with you towards the elevator. Your thoughts were processed quickly, trying to think if you missed something, a picture in a page maybe, but no, you checked many times before handing in the final project. Maybe it isn't even something bad and you're just going crazy in your head.

"I really have no idea, she just told me to call you after leaving her the word samples." You bit your lip nervously, as you pressed the button to call the elevator. You looked at Robin in a panicked mood and she rubbed your shoulder with a small smile to her face. What Robin didn't tell you was that Liana looked angry of some sort, or simply in a bad mood altogether. The metal doors opened and you stepped in, waving at Robin and pressing the button to the second floor.

You had no idea what's going on, Liana didn't call you to her office unless something happened, an emergency or something was catching on fire basically. You were hoping it had nothing to do with your projects, because you were completely sure you gave them in even before the deadline and you rechecked everything like three times. The elevator dinged and the doors opened, making you take a deep breath in and step out. You greeted Carol, the receptionist that was just chewing gum while filing her nails. She gave you a nod to go to Liana's office and you felt your feet just sweating as you opened the door and closed it behind you.

Baring Teeth ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now