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T/W: Allusions to homophobia.

"Am I interrupting?"

Your eyes snapped open as you turned to look at Robin who walked right into your office with a smirk to her face. You rolled your eyes, turning back to look at your phone with a shake of your head, the male on the other side laughing.

"You know what Buckley, you are." Eddie said and you saw his smile spreading as he also earned another roll of your eyes.

"Eddie is just showing me what else needs replacing in my car."

"Cause you took it to Rick's all this time, and everything in it is garbage–"

"Don't insult my car Munson." You glared at the phone this time and he raised one hand up in defense.

It's been two weeks since you talked with Eddie... And since then, you two have grown close... Very close. How you didn't talk to Eddie before? You had no idea. When you all get together at the bar or at someone's house, you two always end up in your own world. You assumed that you were both trying to catch up on eachother, learning about one another still, and you were surprised each day by how easy and normal it was to talk to him.

"To me, it sounds like you are replacing me." Robin pouted as she walked over to you to come into frame and glare at Eddie through the camera and the man only smirked at her with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Aw, you're scared I'm going to steal your best friend status Buckley?"

"That's never happening." You said in a deadpan expression which made Eddie pull an offended frown on his eyebrows.

"Seriously? I give you friendly discounts at my shop!" He yelled at you and you couldn't help but snort at how he tried to sound hurt from it, but it only came out as a comical act.

"You can't buy my friendship Munson, and even if you handed me a billion dollars, Robin will always be first." At your words, Robin blew a raspberry towards the phone, throwing a fart sound at Eddie. Robin's arms wrapped around your waist and she rested her head on your shoulder while looking at Eddie, a grin to her face.

"You wish this was you, huh." For some reason, those words Robin let out of her mouth gave you a feeling of embarrassment? They just simply made your belly twist in a way that wasn't comfortable but it wasn't unpleasant.

Eddie on the other side shook his head, yet he felt his jaw clenching slightly, which he dismissed immediately.

"Sure. Anyways, I gotta go, the new brake discs are coming in next week. We really need to put those in at least before you cause an accident." You rolled your eyes at him and before you could say anything against that, "No comebacks. I am surprised you didn't die yet."

"I drive safely." You retorted, almost offended, but Robin was amused and let out a snort out of her mouth. Your head snapped to look at her with a death glare and she backed away from you with her hands up in the air in defense.

"I'll believe it when I see it. Talk to you later."

"Sure– Oh, about the payment–"

"Next month is okay." You sighed at his words and you shook your head at him.

"I can do a check." It was his turn to snort.

"No, it's fine, seriously Peach." Eddie sucked in his right cheek as he looked at you and his brows twitched slightly when you sent a smile his way. It was still new, this friendship you two have, and it seems he is still a little weirded out that you smile at him so easily. Not that he is any different.

Baring Teeth ~Eddie Munson x Reader~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora