Chapter 46: Night of Reveal

Start from the beginning

"You were always stubborn, my precious Lydia," an unknown voice responded, sending chills down my spine. My body began to shake uncontrollably, and I instinctively hid under my bedsheets, seeking refuge.

"We left the Realm for you all, why torment us now?!" My dad's voice carried a note of anger, directed at the man he was addressing.

"Correction, you were banished for loving a witch, Hunter," the man retorted, his words confusing me. My mother was not a witch.

"I don't care about you two. I'm here for your offspring. The boss wants her, and what the boss wants, the boss gets," the man declared, his intentions becoming clear.

"Go tell your boss to go to hell!" My mum's defiant voice rang out, and I heard objects breaking, indicating a fierce struggle.

"Shut up, woman!" The man's voice turned menacing, and my mother cried out in pain.

"Red Hide!" my dad shouted from downstairs, his voice filled with desperation and fear.

"You monsters are not laying a finger on her, she knows anything of our kind take us instead" My mum pleaded.


Mum don't leave me please!!

" You are not needed and you have no idea what your child is capable of, she will start the war between The Killian and Astrid Clans" The man said, saying strange words that I couldn't understand.

" I thought the elders announced peace between the clans" Dad spoke.

" Well... Let's just say not everyone is pleased with that arrangement,"

"You make me sick, Over our dead bodies will we allow you guys to get to her"Mum declared.

" Since you are willing to sacrifice yourselves for her I will grant you that wish"

Everywhere became silent for just a second, then I heard Mum and Dad cry out, my head began to ache so bad, tears were flowing from my eyes and I didn't know what to do.

"You should have run while you had the chance, but don't worry your souls are in good hands, "The strange man said.

Oh no!

Mum! Dad!

I flinched from my bed, switched the lights off, and ran to the closet hiding my body with my clothes.

I didn't know what to do. My body trembled uncontrollably, and my mind raced with fear. I heard someone climbing up the stairs slowly,making my head pound even harder. The footsteps approached my room, and then a loud knock reverberated through the air.

"Red, my dear, don't you want to see your parents' lifeless bodies before I take you?" the man taunted, his voice filled with malice, as he mercilessly pounded on the door.

Fear gripped my heart, and I refused to answer, remaining still and silent in the closet, praying for someone to come and save me from this nightmare.

"Mate, wherever you are, please save me," I pleaded silently, my final tear streaming down my face.

Suddenly, with a thunderous BANG, my door was hit and torn to shreds. I cowered further, burying my head in my hands, unable to face the creature on the other side.

The room fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing. Then, a growl resonated through the air, fierce and powerful.

"You have to be fucking kidding me. You again?" The man's voice carried a mix of surprise and frustration. I couldn't comprehend what was happening, but all I wanted was to see my parents again.

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