Chapter 20

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Daniel is stroking my hair. I love when he does that. It feels good, so gentle and offering a small bit of comfort for the throbbing on my forehead and temple. The bed beneath me is soft, and the room is quiet. I knew it was all just a bad dream.

Meeting up with Marely to pick up what really is the perfect gift for Daniel's birthday since having the baby on his day isn't an option. I am telling her that I have been thinking of giving her grandchild an unmentionable name. Then my mother calls me to say Lizzie has awakened. I really wish that part was real.

And then my water breaks, so I just might be able to give Daniel gift option A -- or B for Baby. Marely wants to get me to the hospital, but her car is malfunctioning. Ava offers to drive us, but when we arrive at the hospital entrance, she almost runs Marely over as she speeds away with me in the car. Ava becomes a completely different person. She kidnaps and drugs me then my dream has ended, obviously, because I am waking up now.

It was a terrible dream. A nightmare like some low-budget made-for-tv movie. I must have a seriously overactive imagination, or maybe it was because I ate the avocado toast too late. I know Daniel is going to make fun of me when I tell him about it. I will simply omit the part about what I want to name our ladybug to keep the conversation from getting too deep and awkward.

I can feel my bug shifting, and then another contraction makes itself known through the familiar tightening across the lower part of my stomach. Those are definitely not a dream. At this point, I really wish my water was broken because these things are tiring. I am ready to have my body back. I could ask Dr. Mann one more time if it is at all possible to induce my labor early.

There's a cold sensation on my belly, and then I feel the probe. My ladybug's heartbeat sounds nearby. It's faster than normal. Why? What's wrong with her? I want to but I ball my fists to keep my hands from lifting to hold her.

"I can't believe it's actually working."

Ava? So it wasn't a dream?

"It's what I was given when I went into labor. She'll be crowning soon, so I am going to go prepare. Wake her up so she can push."

That's Alyssa's voice. What the hell is going on?

"Okay," Ava agrees. "But her blood pressure keeps rising. What if something happens during the birth?"

"She ruined my life. All I care about is delivering my baby. And stop rubbing her hair. It's weird."

Oh, no. That's what this is about: Alyssa wants my baby.

I hear footsteps retreating, then a door open and closing. But Ava is still here, stroking my hair. Holding still through my contractions is hard, but I have to remain still to give the appearance that I am still unconscious from the drugs they gave me. I just have to wait until Ava leaves as well so I can figure a way out of here.

"I know you're awake," Ava mumbles. "You can open your eyes."

So much for waiting it out.

I force my eyes open slowly to see Ava sitting at my bedside with a look I can't quite decipher. Is it concern or anger? She's humming quietly as she continues to stroke my hair. One look around, I see a door and a blood pressure monitor on a small table next to the bed. There's a blank television on the wall, and the curtains near the door Alyssa left out are closed shut. I can't tell if it is still daytime or not. On the opposite side of the room is a mirror and door that could be the bathroom.

My best guess is we are in a motel room. But where?

"I braided your hair. To keep it out of the way and make things easier. It's so soft. I could never get my hair to curl up like this."

She is too calm. It's unsettling. But if I have learned anything from watching Misery, it's not to make the kidnapper angry.

"Thank you," I mumble and clear my throat lightly. "What's going on?"

Ava drops her hand and goes to the mini fridge beneath the counter mirror. She returns to the bed with a bottle of water that she opens and offers to me. I have to all my strength to push myself up against the bed's headboard because my limbs feel like jello. After blinking away the dizziness, I grab the water bottle and take a slow sip without closing my eyes.

"Don't worry," Ava says. "You have been the best friend I have ever had. Once the baby is born, I will call Daniel to let him know where to find you. I won't let her hurt you."

Okay, she is on something stronger than I ever used. She calls me her friend as if she does not realize that she has helped her sister kidnap me to try and steal my baby.

"What about the baby?"

"It's what she deserves."

"No, she doesn't. Ava, please, listen to me. I told Alyssa that I got pregnant again after my miscarriage with the fetus from her egg. This is my baby. It has my DNA."

"So you and Daniel can make another." She takes the water and sets it on the table.

"No--," my hands fly to my stomach, gripping on with another contraction.

These are stronger than the ones I felt before. What other medicine did they give me? When the pain has passed, I lift my head again to look her in the eyes. All the emotion I thought was there is gone now. Now I know I have to get some help before my ladybug arrives.

"I have to go to the bathroom."

Ava sighs and stands again, then offers me her hand. Once I am on my feet, I look down and see not only have they changed me into a nightgown, but there is a silver cuff wrapped around my ankle. Following the length of the chain connected to the cuff, it is locked around the other end of the chain is attached to the bed that is bolted to the floor. There is enough length for me to make the short distance to the bathroom.

After closing the door behind me, I realize the lock piece beneath the doorknob is missing. Dammit.

My next escape route could be the window. All hope for that is thrown out of the tiny excuse for an opening. The thing isn't big enough for a small child to get through, let alone a nine-month-pregnant woman. And it's too high for me to climb. Tears swell in my eyes as I stare out into the dark, and thoughts of every worst-case scenario take on a life of their own.

Taking a seat on the closed toilet top, I try taking deep breaths to calm myself down. Piecing together a clear thought proves impossible because I cannot seem to find my way out of this fog. The more I push, the worse the throbbing pain. The watch is gone, night has come, and I have no idea where I am. With the way they've got me chained, I couldn't run anywhere if I tried.

Things are supposed to be so different. Having my first baby is supposed to be one of the happiest moments of my life. I should be surrounded with support from Daniel and our family. But, as myself, I found a way to screw it up by ignoring the giant red flags Ava was waving in my face. You would think with everything I have been through, I should know better than to blindly trust someone who says they're my friend.

Bracing my hands against the small bathtub beside me, I lean forward to endure another magnified contraction. There's so much pressure beneath my belly, I can feel it's almost time. And since I cannot lock the door I can't hole up in here for much longer.

"Hurry, Gwen," Ava calls out. "Alyssa will be back soon."

I am out of time. She could come and force me out any minute now. I can't let them get their hands on my baby.

Think, Gwen, think.

My head hurts so bad... that's it! If I can't leave, maybe I could talk Ava into taking me out.

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