Chapter 9

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Daniel is already home when I get there. I can hear his assistant, Drea, on the phone as I push open the door to his office. He turns in his seat at his desk and motions me over. I am skeptical about being too heavy for his lap, but he pulls me down anyways. His face shows no uncomfort as he continues to speak.

"The Maddison called and wanted to confirm your reservation for this weekend?" Drea says.

"Yes, of course," Daniel says. He looks at me and stares for a moment. "and make sure to reserve a room for two. The penthouse if it is available."

"Yes, sir. One last thing: the convention president wanted to know if you would speak this year?"

Daniel pauses, and his eyes drop from mine. What is at this convention he's going to that makes him upset? Besides that, he never told me he was going anywhere.

"Tell him I'll think about it."

"Yes, sir. Is there anything else, Mr. Rivera?" Drea asks.

"No, that will be all. Thank you, Drea."

Then the phone line clicks. Daniel looks back at me and leans to kiss me. When he pulls back, he dips his head to kiss my stomach.

"Are you going somewhere?" I ask.

He nods. "We are going somewhere."


"Yes, I received a party invitation from a close friend in New York. Coincidentally, there is a convention for at-risk youth, which I attend each year, happening the same weekend. I thought you would like to accompany me this year."

"I don't know," I breathe, placing my finger on my chin, pretending to think. "I will have to check my schedule."

"Oh, really?" He chuckles. "I didn't realize you were busy at the moment."

"Yes, I am. I am booked."

"Well, do you think you could pencil me in? I have some amazing things planned I think you will enjoy."

"Hmm," I tap my chin again. "I will have my people call your people."

He laughs and then kisses me again. I pull away with a smack, excited to tell him the news I came in for from the beginning.

"Lizzie's doctor said she might wake up soon. Today, she squeezed my hand!"

His return smile is heartbreakingly perfect. "That's amazing news. We will be there when it happens."


Daniel and I are gone early Friday morning for our mini-vacation to Long Island, New York. The flight takes about the same amount of time as it did when we traveled to the Bahamas. Initially I was skeptical about getting on the plane with my bug, but calling Dr. Mann before we left helped relieve my anxiety. He assured me that there would be no significant risks in my pregnancy if I were to travel by plane for relatively small distances. I do not have as much nausea as I expected, though, for which I was beyond grateful.

When we are off the plane, I assumed we would go straight to hour hotel, however we stop in front of a photography studio. My eyebrows come together in a deep frown. We aren't sleeping here... are we?

"This is the first stop in my bag of surprises for you," Daniel squeezes my hand.

"Taking pictures?"

"Yes I want to document the memory of our bug and how beautiful you are while carrying her."

Maternity photos!

Of course, I want these memories. I had not even thought of taking pictures with everything else going on. However, Daniel has found a way to sprinkle a tiny bit of tranquility into the storm that is my life. Why does he have to be so perfect at everything?

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