Chapter 3

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"Miss Bailey, we have a warrant for your arrest. Would you please come with us?"

"What? No! I didn't do anything."

"You have been accused of assault with a deadly weapon," the second officer says.

"Assault?" What the fuck? I didn't assault anyone.

"Hold on," Daniel steps in front of me. "Who has she allegedly assaulted?"

My head starts to spin as I think of the only possible answer to his question. Please don't say it, officer.

"The family of Evan Jackson has pressed assault charges."

I can hear the shattering of the glass again as the officer grabs my wrist and pulls me out from behind Daniel. I look at Daniel with fear in my widened eyes as the officer pulls out his handcuffs. My eyes fill with tears as my arms are pulled behind my back.

"Daniel," I shake my head. "Don't let them take me, please. I didn't--"

"I know," Daniel moves to cup my face as the officer cuffs my wrists. "Just don't say anything to anyone. I will call my lawyer and meet you at the precinct."

"Okay," I sniffle.

Daniel walks close behind as the officers read me my rights and walk me through the hospital. Everyone passerby stares, and I keep my head down to avoid eye contact. I feel like I could die of embarrassment right now. If embarrassment doesn't kill me, then the anxiety caused by this situation will.

My head begins to pound harder as the officer slams the door of the police cruiser with me in the backseat. Tears freefall from my face as the cruiser pulls away from the curb.


Sitting in the investigation room of the police station, I am still unable to stop my tears from falling. Being here takes me back to the first time I had been accused of a crime I didn't commit. I had been assaulted at that time as well. The nerve of this bastard to attack me and then accuse me of assault! I have proof of his attack on my forehead.

I lie on the desk, and the coolness feels good against my cheek. My head is pounding, and I want my mom. I miss her so much.

Where is Daniel, and what is taking him so long to get here?

The door opens and a man wearing business casual attire steps in and sits at the other end of the table in front of me. I sit back in my chair and cradle my baby bump protectively. I return his smile with a frown.

"I apologize for the wait, Miss Bailey. My name is Detective Gough. How are you feeling?"

"I have nothing to say to you," I say lowly.

"That's unfortunate. We both know there are two sides to every story. Wouldn't you like to share your side?"

I shake my head and look down at my hands. Daniel told me not to say anything to anyone until he had come for me.

"Where is Daniel?" I whisper.

Detective Gough frowns and looks toward the door as it opens. This guy is older-looking and wearing the same business attire. Older guy is frowning as he gestures for Detective Gough to come out of the room. They step out just by the door, and the door doesn't completely shut behind them, so I can still hear their hushed conversation.

"Yes, Captain?" Gough says.

"What are you charging her with?" The captain asks.

"Well, she hasn't been officially charged yet, but the Jackson family--"

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