Chapter 17

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We are searching for my ladybug's heartbeat on my take-home doppler when Ava's name pops up on my caller id. Eva rolls her eyes, continuing to squirt jelly onto my belly.

"Do not invite her over here, Gwen."

"She just needs a friend. Would it kill you to be nice?"

"No, but it might kill her,"

Despite Eva's protests, I quickly answer my phone and extend an invitation for Ava to join our party of two.

When Ava arrives, she's a mess of tears. I beckon her over to sit beside me on the couch and pull her into an awkward hug. I make a face at Eva, silently reminding her to be nice. She rolls her eyes again for the hundredth time as she plops down on the seat beside us with her arms folded. Apparently, Ava and David got into an argument, and he broke things off.

"So, what did you guys fight about?" Eva asks, boredly studying her fingernails.

"It was petty and stupid as always, but usually, we don't talk for a few days, and he always comes back. There's makeup sex, and we move on."

Eva's face scrunches in disgust, "Ew."

"What she means is maybe he just needs time," I shoot another warning glance to Eva. "More than just a day this time. He will cool off, and you will be back together again as always."

"I don't know," Ava sniffs. "He was more upset than normal. He might be serious about the breakup this time."

"Smart guy," Eva mumbles after a snort.

My eyes widen, and Ava full-on glares at her. "What is your problem?"

Eva sits up straight, unintimidated. "You. Fake bitches like you are my problem. You may have Gwen convinced, but I see right through you. It's going to take a lot more than some lame apology and crocodile tears to win me over."

"You are a cold bitch. Who hurt you?"

"Call me a bitch again. I dare you."

Eva's voice is a leveling calm I recognize well. It's the menacing tone she uses before pouncing, such as a lion who preys before attacking. The last time she attacked someone, while this angry, she started a fight at the club, I tried to pull her off, and we both ended up spending the night in jail. Luckily the girl she attacked refused to press charges because she was trying to get on Quincy's good side. The girl didn't last long at the club, though.

However, I do not have the strength or ability to break up a fistfight. My hand slides down under my belly as another contraction catches me by surprise. I lean forward, placing my other hand on the edge of the couch as an anchor. My eyes close as I breathe and count in my head the way I have practiced before with my doula. That contraction was stronger than the last.

When it's finally over, I lift my head again to see Eva and Ava eyeing me with worried expressions. I clear my throat so I can speak clearly.

"Can you guys just stop, please? I can't break up a fight right now."

"I have to go to the bathroom," Eva says with an eye roll rising from her seat.

Ava and I watch her leave then I sit back against the couch again, rubbing my stomach in slow circles. Another contraction started only about a minute after the last. I fear these may not be Braxton hicks contractions anymore; they're the real deal. Dr. Man did say I would be going into labor in a matter of days, but maybe it started earlier. But my water hasn't broken yet, so I think I still have some time.

My sister wasn't wrong when she told me the contractions hurt like a bitch. They are coming one after the other, and I can hardly catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" Ava asks after the pain has passed.

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