•Chapter Twenty Five•

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•Phase One•

School started back and it was finally our SENIOR YEAR! And the split schedule was in action. Some students came up to me and asked me daddy questions such as:

"Are you happy to be the father?"

"Jamal said that the baby is his is it true?"

"Is Chara graduating with us or not?"

I told all of them to leave me alone and keep Calvin's name out of their mouth. They can talk about Chara and me all they want to but don't bring my child into this. Chara isn't going to school with us anymore so it would be DISRESPECTFUL and out of line if I told everybody the truth. She ain't even here to defend herself so why would I? It got so bad even Teachers were pulling me outside of the classroom. I told them and everyone else that if Chara wanted everybody to know she would've told y'all but it's not my place to say anything.

According to Chara her first half of the week having the baby and juggling online school was difficult. She fell asleep during the call, whenever she would try to listen to the teachers the baby was crying, and she said that her mother hadn't been any help but I was expecting that.

Wednesday I picked up Calvin and I was nervous about having him by myself for the first time. Chara gave me baby milk bottles and Calvin smelled like urine.

"Umm, Mommy why haven't you changed him? He smells like hot piss!" I asked Chara.

"I just changed his diaper two hours ago and he's wet again?"

"That's what happens when you continue to feed him!"

"Okay well, you got some diapers right?"

"Yeah...I'll change him!" I replied since I knew she wasn't going to do it.

I sat down in my back seat with him and I laid him down on a towel. In the process of changing his diaper, I was thinking to myself Chara trifling as fuck to send my son with me smelling like Eight-day old piss! I wasn't going to say anything maybe she didn't mean to. Once I was done strapped him in the seat, threw away the diaper, and we drove back to the apartment. I carried his car seat, his baby bag, and the milk bottle bag all upstairs by myself. THAT SHIT WAS HEAVY ASF!

Once I got inside I put everything down and got him out of his car seat. He hasn't cried so far which was good. I sat down on the couch, balanced him on my knee, and looked at him as he was staring at me. It's like he was figuring me out.

I opened his tiny hand and put my finger inside. He gripped my finger as he stared at me.

"Hi, Calvin!"

He stared at me and his eyes grew wide. I kissed him on his cheek then I kissed him on his other cheek. Then I started tickling him on his stomach with my mouth and he went from a zombie baby to a laughing baby. Hearing his giggles and laughs made me feel so happy on the inside. I stopped tickling him looked him in his eyes and said "Daddy loves you so much Calvin you know that?"

I grabbed his tiny hand and I kissed it. I kissed him again and I held him close to my chest. It's like I didn't wanna be apart from him at all!

He was doing fine with me until we got situated for bed and he woke up in the middle of the night crying. I got up out of my sleep then got him out of his crib and rocked him back and forth. I checked his diaper and he smelled like piss. This child is a pissy goat! I changed his diaper and he still didn't stop crying. It took me a while but as I continued to walk around with him and rock him he fell back asleep. I tried to lay him down softly but then he started whining again.

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