•Chapter Fifteen•

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Junior year*

For the first two months of school, we didn't talk. We always waved and smiled at each other in class, but not a single word was spoken. I told myself she would come around or that I would eventually approach her. I wanted to give her all the time she needed. But deep down, I really missed her.

Kyan and Tonya ended up getting back together. They realized their phase of exploring other options was over, and they reconciled. I told them how nice it must be and that I looked forward to doing the same with Chara. The way they connected made it seem like they had never broken up. They reminded me that every relationship works differently, so I tried not to rush the process.

October rolled in, and you know what that means? Trick-or-treating and Halloween! Every year, Kyan and I spent Halloween together, watching throwback Halloween movies, eating tons of candy, and having a blast. This year, Tonya was joining us.

"Why don't you invite Chara to come with us?" Kyan suggested.

I shrugged, thinking it was a good idea. I just needed to find the right time to ask her. We shared two classes Math and Science. The week before Halloween, I decided to ask her in our Science class before the lesson began.

"Hey, Chara, is this seat taken?"

She smiled and replied, "No, what's up?"

I took the seat next to her and asked, "How have you been?"

"I've had better days. And you?"

"I've been okay, just been doing some inner work."

"That's good. Was there something you needed?"

"Yeah, so Kyan, Tonya, and I were planning to spend Halloween at my place this year. I was wondering if you'd like to come along?"

Chara paused, and then said, "Yeah, why not?"

I didn't show it, but her answer made me happy. I smiled and said, "Great! Tonya will pick you up on Halloween night. I'll text you the details."

"Sounds good!" Chara responded.

I got up from the table and said, "It was nice talking to you. Have a good day!"

Chara smiled and replied, "You too!"

I walked away from the table and headed back to my desk.

Chara's POV:

It was nice to hear from him again, and I missed the sound of Gavin's voice. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him at all because I did. I'm glad we didn't break up when I initially thought we should. Looking back, that would have been tough. However, I'm not sure if I'm ready to fully reconcile with him just yet.


On Halloween night*

Gavin's POV:

I decided to dress up as Pennywise this year and Kyan decided to dress up as Joker. I had to calm myself down before the girls came because even though I was excited to see Chara I don't know if she's excited to see me.

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