•Chapter Twenty•

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Boy or a girl??

Gavin's POV:

Chara and I were sitting in the room, waiting anxiously for the results. Despite our recent troubles, right now, I wanted to put our differences aside because this moment was about the baby.

"So, have you come up with any names?" I asked Chara.

"Yeah, if it's a girl, I want her to be named Cassidy, keep the C tradition going, you know?" Chara replied.

"I was thinking maybe Genesis if it's a girl!" I responded.

"Ooo, my mama would love that!" Chara chuckled. "Thought of any boy names?"

"Umm... Golden!" I said sarcastically.

"I am not naming my baby after no Golden!"

"Why not?! He's your first child; technically, he is the Golden Boy!"

Chara laughed and said, "I'd rather die!"

I laughed and asked, "What do you think it's going to be?"

"I don't know... I want a girl, though! What about you?"

"I don't care what it is... I just wanna find out."

Chara nodded in agreement, and I decided to address our recent issues.

"Look, I know we don't like each other personally, but I want to put our differences aside for the baby's sake. I'm sorry for screaming at you in the car and making you feel stressed out."

Chara responded, "I'm sorry for putting you through all of this. I didn't know that I had another potential father... I thought you would be the only one! And I'm sorry I lied and cheated during our relationship."

"Our main focus needs to be on this baby. I don't want to go through any more drama situations with you that could potentially harm the baby. I don't want either of us to lose this baby," I explained.

"I understand," Chara said.

The doctor entered the room and said, "I have the results right here! During today's appointment, we can confirm that you're expecting a baby boy."

We both looked at each other, our mouths dropping in surprise. I was filled with happiness at the news, and the prospect of having a son to love and take care of filled my heart with joy.

The doctor also added, "Based on what you told me Chara, I do understand that you've been under a lot of stress. Please try not to be too stressed out. It does affect the baby's health. Your well-being is connected to the baby's development, so take some time out for yoga classes, relaxation, or maybe sit in the tub for thirty minutes to an hour. But please try not to stress so much."

"I will watch myself," Chara promised. "Nothing's wrong with the baby, though, right?"

"Not for now; he's healthy. But that could change if your stress levels go up any higher." The doctor replied.

"We'll make sure that won't happen, right, Gavin?" Chara looked at me.

"Of course," I responded. "Hey, Doc, can we have a moment to talk, please?"

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