•Chapter Nine•

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   *The Next Level*

"Wow, Chara...I'm so sorry!"

Chara wiped her tears and said "My dad was my hero! The only person that brought me happiness and he left."

"Do you really think your dad wanted to leave you behind?" I asked.

"Sometimes I believe he did and sometimes I don't! Regardless I haven't seen him since I was seven and I'm twelve now. I just miss him and my mom is always shoving it down my throat that I need a man to take care of me. But I always say to myself why should I get a man when you couldn't even keep yours."

"Yeah...that's just fucked up! Come here..." 

I pulled her in for a hug and squeezed her tightly then I pulled away and said "I won't abandon you I promise! All I'm asking for is a chance..."

"What if we don't work out?" Chara asked.

"What if we do?... I think the biggest lesson to learn here is that we took a leap of faith and we tried."  I answered.

"What if things go wrong?" She asked.

"Then we can make it right!" I declared.

"What if other people judge us?"

"Fuck them!"

"What if you stop liking me?"

"Then that's when I'll start loving you."

"You really have thought this through haven't you?"

"I've been thinking about this since the moment we decided to start talking. I really do like you Chara! And I want us to flourish."

Chara pulled me in and we kissed. Her lips were so soft and tender. Then I placed my hand on her chin and continued to kiss her even more. Thirty seconds later she let go.

I opened my eyes slowly then grabbed her hands and asked "Chara Campbell will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" She responded. "YES!"

We hugged and laughed, both of us were overflowed with happiness. It was as if a bunch of excited butterflies were dancing in my stomach! When we kissed again, you could feel the thrill behind the kiss. Our smiles confirmed how happy we were to move to the next level. I was fully committed to showing Chara that I could be the right person for her.

After the Carnival, I ran up to Kyan with a smile on my face.

Kyan walked up to me with Tonya and asked "What's up with you, why are you smiling so hard?, You good?"

"I secured the bag!"

"NO!" Kyan smiled.

"I DID!"

"OHHH SHITTTT LOOK AT YOU, MY BOY!! Growing up and everything!!" Kyan cheered.

We did our best friend's handshake and we cheered. Tonya ran up to Chara and hugged her then said "If he breaks your heart don't hesitate to call me!"

We all laughed and well that's how our journey began.

It went from our first day to a month. Then a month turned into six months. And six months turned into a year.

I didn't think we would last so long but the longer we were together the closer we grew together. 

When our 8th grade year hit that's when she met my mom. My mama wasn't too happy when she found out I was dating so young but I had a backup plan. Report cards came out that same day I introduced them. So before she could deny our relationship I just pulled out that report card and showed her I had all A's and B's. And even though it changed her whole demeanor that didn't stop her from feeling the way she felt about Chara she felt as if I should've waited until I got older to start dating but she knew she couldn't stop me of course.

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