•Chapter Four•

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*Shooting my shot! Kind of...*

The next day at school I came with two backpacks. I set the backpack that I was going to take to Kyan's house in the locker room. Then I carried my school bag with me and went to breakfast. I saw Chara at a table by herself. Kyan hadn't made it to school yet and nobody was sitting with Chara so I decided to sit down with her.

"Hey, Miss Campbell!"

"Miss Campbell? Boy, I am not old!" Chara chuckled.

"I'm sorry! My bad. I just thought that I was being polite for a second." I responded.

"Well, instead you just made me feel older than what I already am." Chara laughed.

"I can't tell the way I got you smiling!"  I responded.

"Oop!" Chara said as she looked away trying to cover up her smile.

"See don't try to hide it now I've already caught you lacking."

I grabbed her hand trying to move it but she wouldn't budge. So I tickled her and she laughed "GAVIN STOP!"

"Huh?? What was that!? I couldn't hear you!"

"Okay okay okay!" Chara laughed uncontrollably as I continued to tickle her.

I slowed down and she started breathing heavily to catch her breath. Then her head ended up on my lap and she instantly jumped up.

"So umm are you still going to the party?" I asked.

Chara nodded and asked "Who's party is it anyway? I know they said it was some dude! But I'm not sure who's and my mom was skeptical about me going until one of the girls had lied for me and said it was her birthday party instead of a boy's and so my mom changed her mind.

"The guy is...just a guy on the football team !" I responded.

I didn't wanna tell her it was Kyan's birthday party because she probably wouldn't wanna come if she found out. I mean she'll find out when she gets there! So I'll just let her see for herself.

"Anyway! That's wassup I'm glad your mom approved." I said.

She smiled and asked, "Are you still going?"

I nodded my head "Yep! We're going to have so much fun you won't regret coming."

She started shaking her leg and said "I don't know...I get anxious around a bunch of people! So I just might leave when it gets too crowded."

"No there won't be a need for that! I'll protect you." I reassured her.

"No, you don't understand!" Chara responded. "My anxiety can cause me to pass out when my adrenaline runs too high and I get too nervous."

I placed my hand on her leg to stop her from shaking and said "Chill...first of all we're not at the party yet! So there's no need to be nervous right now. Plus I've got anxiety too and if you feel like your anxiety's going to go up just tell me and I'll take you outside, we'll walk around, and calm your anxiety down."

Chara stared at my hand then said "Thank you!"

I moved my hand  and then asked "Do you have a phone?"

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