•Chapter Eighteen•

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First Checkup*

The next morning, Mama was in the middle of bandaging my temple. We were getting ready to head to the abortion clinic when all of a sudden, Gavin was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"What are you doing?" Gavin asked.

"Getting ready to go out with my mom," I replied.

Mama stayed quiet, but I knew she was wondering if I was going to tell Gavin about the abortion appointment.

"Well, do you have time to talk?"

"Yeah, I've got time, what's up?"

"Okay, so I've given the situation some thought, and I don't want to be one of those deadbeat dads who's not there for their kids. I don't even know if I'm the baby's father or not, but regardless, I know your mom isn't going to be supportive of this whole baby situation. So, I'm going to help you out by taking you to your appointments and doing everything we need to do."

My mama paused on my face to listen in because I had Gavin on speaker.

"I am only willing to help under two conditions, though."

"And what's that?"

"If it's mine, and you promise that, no matter what, you'll always be fair when it comes down to the baby. Meaning that we'll have split custody, no child support, I'll be able to be present in the child's life, and you will NEVER keep me away from it."

Holding back the sadness in my voice, I responded, "I promise, and I'm so sorry again."

"It's too late for that now, okay, and it's not all your fault, it's both of our faults. Just as long as you keep the promise you just made, we're fine."

"Okay, well, I gotta go, so I'll talk to you later?"

"Let me know when your first appointment is!"

"Will do...bye!"

He hung up the phone, and I sighed.

"He's too damn soft for me!" Mama said.

I rolled my eyes. "Really, Mama?"

"Mama? No, you're a grown woman now, remember...call me Cassandra!"

"Well, for your information, Cassandra, he didn't have a father in his life growing up, and he just wants to make sure he can be there. That's if I was keeping the baby."

"Yeah, I'm glad you didn't tell him about the appointment because I canceled it," Mama admitted.

"You what!?" I asked.

"Oh, don't get too happy!" Mama replied, "I only canceled it because I remember when I was first pregnant with you, I told everybody else the same dumb thing. I didn't believe in abortion. I didn't get rid of you, so it wouldn't be fair if I made you get rid of this bastard either!"

"It is not a bastard! It's going to have a good father in it's life AND-"

"-And you think this boy is going to want a family with you? Like your father and I had?" Mama chuckled, "Oh, I know Gavin's a gullible coward, but he's not slow, Chara. Do you really think he's sticking around for you? The only reason why he's putting up with you is because of the baby."

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