17: Wisconsin

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Vincent Florence

Snow poured outside and landed on the ground below, greeting an ivory blanket. Luckily, the inside was warm. And I was bundled in my old room with a blanket and some hot chocolate, watching The Grinch on my laptop.

“Vinny.” Mom barged into my room. “Your old friends are here.” She said.

“Cooper and Janet?” I asked.

“Yep. They’re here. Go hang out with them.” Mom said. “They’ve missed you since you left.”

“Okay. Let me get changed. Tell them I’ll be right out!” I said. Mom walked back out as I scrambled to find something to wear for the snow. 

When I walked into the living room, there were my two old friends. Cooper stood up and smiled at me while Janet jumped up and ran over to me and hugged me.

“Vinny!” She squealed. “We fucking missed you!” She said.

“I missed you guys too.” I replied. She let go as Cooper came over and gave me a handshake and then a hug. 

“Come on! Let’s go into the snow!” Janet said. We all exited the place and joined the outside. The snow crunched under our boots and our warm breath created a white mist from our mouths. 

After a bit of silence, Janet turned to me.

“Hey, Coop. Is it me, or does Vinny look more… poshy.” She said.

“Yeah, he kinda does.” Cooper replied, the two of them looking at me. 

“What does that mean?” I asked with a chuckle.

“You know, you’re more shaved. You used to go weeks without shaving ‘cause you wanted a beard so badly. But now, it’s smooth. And your hair is more wavy.” Janet touched my hair.

“Plus, your outfit is more matching. You used to just put on whatever you found. Now, everything matches.” Coop looked at my clothes.

“Well, that tends to happen when you hang out with rich people.” I said. We walked until we reached the playground. All of us sat on the swings, ignoring our asses freezing from the cold seats. 

“Tell us how Auburn is. Is it really frightening as you told us?” Janet asked.

“Sort of. Once you get the hang of everything, it’s easier to walk through the halls.” I said.

“And how is it like being on the student council? I assume being around the creme de la creme is somewhat exhausting.” Coop said.

I sighed deeply. “It’s impossible to explain. But they’re just as bad as you can imagine rich people to be.” I said.

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