7: Night

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Vincent Florence

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Vincent Florence

Our entire group stood outside the harvest festival entrance, watching as townspeople from the local town entered with their children in hand. Their smiles on their faces were worth more than how much money we all have in our pockets.

"Let's not stand around all day!" Octavia said.

"In we go, then." Percy said. We all stepped forward and walked into the festival.

"See anything you like?" Connor asked. I turned and saw him standing there wearing one of the best outfits I've ever seen. He wore dark brown pants that ended a little under his ankles. He had on black boots. He wore an umber color knitted turtleneck and a dark red scarf.

"Not yet. Though, that apple pie looks good." I said, pointing to the stand where a woman and man stood and cut and served apple pie.

"My treat. Let's go." Connor lightly grabbed my hand and dragged me to the stand. "Two slices, please." Connor asked. He paid for the pie and tipped them in the tip jar, slipping in a Benjamin.

"I sometimes forget that you're rich." I said as he handed me the plastic case with a slice of pie inside.

"Just name what you want and I'll buy it." He said.

"I just hope you don't feel like I'm taking advantage of you or being a gold digger." I said.

"I grew up rich and around rich people. I've seen my share of gold diggers. And you check none of the boxes. So you're good." Connor assured me.

"Since you're offering, you know what would go well with this apple pie?" I teased.

"What?" He asked.

"A chai latte." I replied.

"Where are we going to find-" He turned to his left and saw people selling drinks next to us. "Oh, right. Yeah that sounds good too." Connor said. We bought two cups and realized we had split up from the group.

Connor and I looked around but couldn't find them. They must have gone somewhere else or split up themselves.

"Eh, whatever. This just means that we have the moment to ourselves." Connor said with a smirk on his face.

"Let's go somewhere calm, then. Seems a bit noisy here." I remarked. Connor agreed and the two of us went to a guidepost and searched for something that sounds secluded. I pointed out the pumpkin patch.

The two of us, with food in hand, walked away from the main center of the festival and found the pumpkin patch not too far away. We searched around and found a log at the edge of the patch with no one around. The two of us sat on the log and began eating our food.

"What made you ask me out?" I asked.

"It just felt overdue. Like we had been prancing in circles throughout the entire party and now, I've decided to dance with you." Connor said elegantly.

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