8: Cancer

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Vincent Florence

Destroying the student council. They must be crazy. The student council, from what they and others have said, derives from some of the most powerful families in not just the US, but in the entire globe. They have resources we couldn't even imagine and reserves that can support entire bloodlines for a millenia.

"What are the plans so far?" I asked the group, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

"We have none." Connor replied.

"Seriously? You guys want to take on members of the Lexington family. They're literal gods! They will destroy you all with the flick of a finger! And you guys have no idea on how to bring them down?" I asked the group.

"It's not that we don't have a plan! We just don't have... any idea on a plan." Percy mumbled out. Octavia face-palmed herself.

"We know that we want to expose them. They're a powerful family, so they have got to have some skeletons in their walk-in closets. And we have a feeling that they're dubious ones that they would never want the public to know about." Octavia added.

"Yeah! There's already claims of money fraud because of how much money the council takes in tuition and fees. For fuck's sake! The north-west wing was promised to be fixed several years ago with the money from tuition. But nothing has happened! There's something fishy going on." Percy said. Octavia for some reason closed her legs.

"We need a plan. A solid plan that can ensure that we are able to get some secrets while also not using ourselves as collateral damage." Connor said.

"And am I the collateral damage? Because I'm poor?" I asked.

Connor became flustered. "N-No! That's not what I meant! Fuck! I shouldn't have said that. Scrap that. But the reason we want you is because of how you can carry yourself. We've all seen it. You're quick to think. You have curiosity that would scare any dictator. We want you because you have value, Vinny." Connor said.

"Hmm." I said, thinking to myself. "Discreet, but wanting to make a big impact from the shadows. Is that the plan? To uncover the secrets of the council and dethrone them?" I said.

"Precisely!" Percy said.

"I'll need a bit to think." I said.

"Perfectly fine. For now, check out the common room. Eat some cake, sit on every chair, and smell the candles Dorian brought over. And think of something." Percy said. I thanked them all and the group dispersed into different sectors of the common room.

Percy walked over to a bookshelf and picked up a book, skimming through the pages. Octavia reclined back in her seat, pulled out two slices of cucumber, and placed them on her eyes. Archie and Dorian began to clean up a bit in the lounge area.

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