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3 years later

I'm at Ian's house in his office, checking something on his computer. I came by and realized something had to be taken care of, so here I am.

A lot has happened in these three years. Me, Ian, Dawn, Millie, and Paddy moved to Korea. I know the last two said they never want to move here, but that all changed when we came here for a holiday. We all live in the same building. The building has the highest level departed in four apartments and we own those.

Ian and I have our own singing agency build here in Seoul. We wanted to continue singing, but not under the entertainments here in Korea and go through trainee days. That's how we came to the idea to build up our own entertainment and it's going really well.

I've finished my duty and walk back to the kitchen where Dawn is cooking. Did I tell you her and Ian live together and are engaged? I probably left that part out, then.

"What are you cooking?" I ask the younger girl. She looks at me and smiles. "Noodles, you want some as well?" I shake my head 'no' and lean against the counter. Ian comes in and gives Dawn a back hug and a kiss on her neck. "Hey beautiful." Dawn blushes at that and continues cooking.

"I hate to break it to you engaged couple, but I have to go back to the boys' place before something explodes again." I give Ian and Dawn a hug and walk out the front door, to the garage under the building. I get in my car and drive off to Stray Kids' house.

Just for the record, they all live in a mansion with the eight of them now. JYP allowed them to move out of the dorms, but on one condition that they had to pay for it themselves. Hyunjin lives with them, but stays over at mine a lot.

I arrive at their house and park my car. I get out and walk to the front door. I grab my keys and open the door, entering the house.

It is a tipical guys' place. There's stuff everywhere, but Seungmin made sure there's still space to walk. So, everything is pushed aside.

I walk into the living room and see Minho, Felix, and Jeongin talking. They see me and smile. "There you are. I think Chan needs your help on something," the sunshine explains. I nod and walk to the studio. I knock on the door and open it, shutting the door behind me. The studio is the most peaceful place in the house, since it's soundproof.

I see Chan, Changbin, and Jisung working on a song. Chan smiles at me and signs for me to come over. "What do you think about this beat? The three of us kind of question it," the leader asks and I sit down next to him, helping the trio out.

After an hour or so, the instrumental track is done and I leave the studio again, joining the people on the couch. Minho, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin are talking about some random things and I sit in between Felix and Minho. "Hey guys, what is the discussion of today?"

"About how many charities we support. Minho supports the most and I still want to help out more," Jeongin answers. I nod my head in understanding. "I bet you support a lot of charities," Felix states. "Every charity that I pass, I give them at least 1.000 dollars," I answer.

Hyunjin comes down the stairs. He sees me and kisses me on the lips. "Hey princess, haven't seen you in too long." I roll my eyes at him. "I was here yesterday." The bunny boy next to me sighs. "His dramatic side is showing again."

Hyunjin sits next to me, puts his arm around me, and moves me closer to him. "What were you up to upstairs?" I ask him. "Painting. I'm making one for you."

The bell rings and Seungmin stands up to open the door. When he returns, Millie and Paddy are with him. "Hey dudes, how's life?" They all give them a handshake and I give them a hug. "No worky worky today? You seem not really stressed out by not working, for a change," Paddy asks while falling on the couch. "No worky worky now," I answer with a sigh and he nods.

When I find out what goes on in his head, is the day I'll be even more mentally broken and will regret my life decisions even more.

"Hey princess, come with me," my boyfriend tells me and we both get up from the couch. Felix and Jeongin smile at me and I smile back. "Have fun," Minho tells us and we leave the room.

It has become our thing to go on the rooftop of my building or his house. We both love to watch the view, especially at sunset.

Hyunjin brought some food and blankets and we get on the rooftop, settling ourselves on our usual spot. We put some blankets on the tiles and I sit down, looking at how Hyunjin puts the basket of food and drinks before us and sitting down beside me. I rest my head on his shoulder and look over the houses to the skyscrapers.

"You're cold?" the boy sitting next to me asks me. I nod my head. "A little bit." He takes off his hoodie, where he had a long sleeved shirt under, and gives it to me. I pull it over my head and put it on. Once I have the hoodie on, I move my head onto my boyfriend's lap. He starts playing with my hair and gets a bownie out of the basket.

"What are you painting for me?" I ask, curious. Hyunjin smiles and looks down at me. "It's a surprise."

Our relationship is going strong. We're together for over three years now and I'm happier than ever. I live in a city I love with the people I love the most, have an own agency, and am in a healthy relationship with the person of my dreams, who I'm sure of is my soulmate. Our fans are so in love with our relationship and I'm glad they're happy for us.

Who would've thought I would be in a relationship with Hwang Hyunjin, a k-pop idol and my foreign fanboy?



AAAAHHH I can't believe it's the end!

I know this story isn't the best, but it's mine, and I'm proud of it.


I love you all and I hope you liked this story as much as I loved writing it.

From, your writer, Sara < 33

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