Chapter 21

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[Nikki's POV]

Millie and I decided it was time for a sleepover with the two other boys. So, that same evening, Paddy and Ian arrived at Millie's place.

We're talking about Ian's date with Dawn, the Starbucks girl. Apparently, Paddy didn't know anything about this. I'm not blaming him, Millie also only knew because I was with her today. The first ten minutes he was all squealing and being happy for Ian.

"So, now Paddy is done being his extra self, how was the date?" I ask, too curious about my brother's love life.

"It was awesome. She's so lovely! Her laugh is so cute, as are her dimples that appear when she smiles. Her voice sounds mesmerizing, her-"

Paddy cuts him off. "We know you're in love, but tell us about the date." This is definitely not the talk I asked about and Paddy seems to only care about the date itself.

"Awesome too. We walked through the streets and went in some shops. After that, we bought some food and beverages and went to the park. We talked about all kind of things. We watched the sunset and I walked her home afterwards." Millie and I start to clinge at each other, cooing at how happy Ian seems talking about his crush and the date.

"You two look like little kids right now," the slightly older boy states with a slightly disgusted face. "Agree." The other boy nods in agreement. Millie and I look at each other and shrug. "Just be happy we are this happy for you. Look at Paddy, he's not showing any emotions, how do you know he's happy for you or not?" Millie throws back at Ian. She raises her hand in the air and I give her a high five.

"Whatever. What are we going to do now?" Paddy exclaims, looking around the room to find something interesting to do.

"Ooh, let's do truth or dare! We haven't done that in a long time," Millie replies, making the word 'long' last long itself.

"There's a reason for it and I'll give you it; it's not fun," I affirm. Millie rolls her eyes at me. "You're so boring. You're doing it with us. Then you won't have to do it with us for months, okay?" the girl literally begs me, actually making a pray sign.

I roll my eyes at her and sigh. "Okay, for this ONE time. No dares that will ruin me publicly, physically, and metally." The girl embrases me, making me fight for air. "Thank you so much, you're the bestest best friend."

I cough, trying to signal I don't get any air. She doesn't get the hint.

"You are as well if you let go of me, I barely get any air." Millie lets go off me and smiles bridely. "She's still my best friend, don't take her away from me," my twin brother calls out. Millie ignores Ian and claps her hands.

"Let's start! Paddy, truth or dare?"


We have been playing for a while now and it's Millie's turn again. "Nikki, truth or dare?"

I get annoyed by the phrase 'truth or dare' again, hating the three words more and more. Why say it when everyone obviously knows the question?

"Truth, I did a lot of dares already." Millie smirks at me and I don't like the sight of that.

"Do you like Hyunjin?"

There it is. The sentence I knew was coming up at some point this evening.

But what are my feelings towards him?

I can't possibly fall for someone I know for some days now, can I? I really have no clue.

"I don't know," I confess. "I mean, I know him for some days now and he's leaving again in two weeks."

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