Chapter 28

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[Hyunjin's POV]

I'm at the door of the hotelroom of Minho and Jisung. I knock at the door and it takes a while for them to open it.

When the door finally swings open, Jisung stands in the opening, smiling at me. "You're ready?" I question him. He nods and looks back in the room. "Have fun on your own, Minho, I'm out." He closes the door and we walk to the elevator together.

Jisung and I made plans to go out with Nikki today. We asked Ian to tag along as well but he has a date with some girl.

We walk to the fun fair where we would meet up with the girl. We see her standing there at the entrance. She smiles and waves at us once she sees us walking up to her.

Nikki has black cargo pants on with a brown croptop and a black, baggy jacket over it which hides her figure a little. She has these cute earrings with a rose hanging in her ears and some fine necklaces and rings.

Jisung walks forward and gives her a hug, which she gladly returns. When they break off the hug, she smiles and walks up to me to give me a hug as well.

"Should we go?" the boy opposite of us cheers out. "Let's go and have some fun, guys!" the girl calls out. She takes Jisung's hand and signals me to follow them. I laugh and follow the two kids to the woman who sells the tickets at the entrance.

No one really was a third wheel. There were times I talked to Nikki, Nikki and Jisung would have fun together and so do Jisung and I, but mostly it was the three of us.

Jisung ran off to some booth he saw and me and Nikki are sitting at a table, drinking something and looking around.

"I haven't seen a paparazzi in a long time to be honest." She's true, it has been pretty quiet this whole day, it's kind of scary to be honest.

I look at the girl sitting in front of me, looking at a little family walking by. She looks so happy and peaceful. The sun reflects on her eyes which makes some sparkles in it. I can't help but stare a little at her face, a smile growing on mine.

Her gaze goes from the little kids to me, catching my eyes. I feel my face burn a little and turn my attention away from her. I hear a light chuckle coming from her side, making me smile with her.

"Has anyone told you lately how beautiful your smile actually is?" I try hard not to turn any more red than I already am, which fails horribly. "Thank you."

Jisung runs back to us with a big stuffed teddybeer in his arms. "Look what I won! Just for the record, it's MINE." Me and Nikki laugh at him. "Come, let's go to another one, I saw one where you need to shoot with a 'gun'."

He grabs my arm and drags me with him. "You are like a tomato, what happened when I was away?" the squirrel-like boy says to me with a smirk on his face. "Nothing important." He raises an eyebrow at me. "I'll hear about it later, then."


We have been walking around the fun fair and playing some games for a long time now. We're now on the Ferris wheel, watching the sunset before us. Jisung insisted that me and Nikki would sit side my side.

We're now looking out the glass, looking around the city. "The city is beautiful in the evening," I confess. Jisung nods his head, agreeing with me, while still looking over the city.

I turn my gaze from the view to the girl sitting next to me. She looks so cute, yet kind of hot with the light on her face.

She doesn't notice me staring at her, but after some time I feel Jisung nudging me in the side. I look at him and he smirks back at me, which I give him a side eye back and continue looking at Nikki.

Everyone of Stray Kids figured I have a crush on her, so why hide it?

"Ooh, I want to make a picture!" Nikki gets her phone out of her back pocket and makes some pictures out of the glass and then she makes some pictures of us. We also make some selfies with the three of us.

Me and Jisung get a notification and he takes his phone out to see what it is, already figuring it's from one of the guys.

"It's Chan. He's asking when everyone is coming back." Nikki leans back against the glass, looking at the boy in front of us. "Everyone?"

"For how far I know, Felix, Seungmin, and Jeongin went out as well," I tell her, where she nods to.

"Should we go back after this?" And we all agree on that.

Once we are back on the ground, we walk back to the parking lot. "I can drive you guys back to the hotel, then you won't have to take the public transport," Nikki suggests. After some no's and yes' we agree and get into the car.

Nikki is obviously driving, I sit next to her, and Jisung sits in the backseat. "What are your plans for your last week here in LA?"

That's when it hits me. We're in the last week here with the Rose twins. After this, we wouldn't be able to see each other often. What if we would never see each other again...?

"Definitely hanging with you and your twin brother. You're not rid of us just yet," Jisung half screams. I hear in his voice he's trying not to sound sad or anything.

"Oh, don't think I will let you, folks."


"So, plans?"

We're hanging in Felix and Chan's hotelroom again. The three youngest are sitting on Felix's bed, Minho and Jisung sit on the ground, arms and heads hanging on Felix's bed, and me, Chan, and Changbin are sitting on Chan's bed.

"We know the choreos and everything like the back of our hands, no need to worry about that. So I'll say make the best of it," Minho suggests. "And try to get Hyunki going," he adds with a grin.

I lean back against the head frame, sighing. "I don't think a relationship will be right, now. And besides, I don't really want to be in a long distance relationship right now."

"With you saying that means that you haven't fallen deeply for her," Chan spills. "If you truly love her, you would do anything to be with her." We all turn our heads to Chan, hearing relationship advice coming out of the leader's mouth.

"Who would know the one and only Bang Chan, Christopher Chan, Chris Bang, whatever, would give such good relationship advice?" Jeongin says in still an amused tone.

"Well, I had some practice myself." He winks by saying that, making me do a disgusted face expression. "I don't even want to know."

Felix sits up straight and puts his hands on his legs, smiling. "But enough about love, plans?"

So I have an idea for a new fanfiction but I don't know if I should already start or finish this first and then start writing it...


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