10 ∆ Don't make promises

Start from the beginning

Ashton scratched his head, why had they retaliated with that force? Demi had simply ran through the premise, or that's what she had told him anyway. What had she seen/heard that had caused the severe response?

He needed to talk to her before he decided on how to proceed.

"Thank you for dropping me off" Demi smiled as she looked across to Calum who was sitting in the driver's seat.

"It's the least I could do, I'm really sorry about everything Dems, are you okay? How's your neck and wrists?" He rambled, tracing her neck before carefully examining her wrists.

She blushed at the name before clearing her throat. She was kinda embarrassed with how it had affected her.

"I'm fin-" but he interrupted, his index finger wagging in front of her, "it's me, no one else is here" Calum said softly, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the backs of her hands.

It took her a moment to work through her defenses. "They're sore," Demi mumbled, twisting her wrists to the side. "But I've had worse and they're nothing I can't deal with"

"I won't let them or anyone else hurt you, I promise" he placed a delicate kiss on both of her hands. 

"Stop, don't do that" she retracted her hands and undid her seat belt, her brow creased.

"What did I do?" Calum asked, settling his now empty hand on her knee.

"Don't make promises, it's very rare any are ever kept" Demi's tone dropped with the weight of her seriousness.

"I get that, I do, but I just want you to know that I care about you and if I can help it, I will always protect you, you're important to me now." Calum looked straight into her eyes, the brown hues warming her icy eyes.

"You don't need to accept this. But it's how I feel and I'm shit usually at this stuff but I'm trying"

She sighed but a smile drew up on her lips. "I know Cal, I can see that and I'm proud of you" she lent forward and placed a kiss on his lips. As Demi withdrew, Calum placed his hand on her cheek and kept her there as he deepened the kiss. It was light and sweet.

The sound of thudding on the glass window, broke them apart. It was caused by a furious looking Blake.

"Please let me do the talking," she chuckled, rolling her eyes.

Calum held her shoulder and spoke fast, "tell me now, do you have a boyfriend?!"

"Chill Cal, he's my best friend and I live with him so as you can imagine he's not best impressed that I've been held hostage for 24 hours" she laughed sarcastically.

"Demi" Blake sighed in relief as he held her close to his chest. His head nestled against her and his eyes shut, thankful to have her back in his safety.

"It's good to be back" she whispered, sinking into his embrace.

Blake heard the other car door open and shut. His eyes opened and they locked onto the tall, buzz cut adorning man with broad shoulders. Blake's body tensed and Demi sensed it.

Demi looked up at him, "listen I'm alright that's all that matters" she smiled but Blake remained unchanging.

"Who the fuck are you?" Blake directed at Calum.

Calum cleared his throat and glanced at Demi who gave him a nod to continue.

"Calum Thomas Hood erm… and I'm the bouncer for Irwin's Club" he explained apprehensively.

Blake scanned him up and down as a particular detail from his response processed in his mind. He turned sharply to Demi, "there was a shooting there" he frowned severely. He now turned to look at Demi and he shook his head. She smiled weakly.

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