I walk away and begin to walk back to the house, running into Daryl on the way. "You and Glenn?" He says, not looking at me. "Oh my god." I say, flatly. "Just askin'. Everybody can see it, Adrian." "There ain't nothin' to see. I feel nothin' for him and he feels nothin' for me. Easy as that." That makes Daryl stop walking to turn and look at me. 

"Bullshit." "Excuse me?" "I said bullshit. What's left of the whole world can see you blushing whenever you're around him.." "I don't blush. I don't like Glenn. And you're delusional." He scoffs, "Alright then." And he continues to walk forward. 

"I think you better get to 'im before the girl with the bob gets to 'im first." "Maggie?" "Mhm. The way she doesn't take her eyes off of him says a lot." 

I don't know why but I feel angry. Not because of Maggie and Glenn though, if she wants him then she can have him. I don't like him like that.

"If she wants 'im, she can have 'im. I don't care." "Yeah, okay. I can see you picking at your cuticles. You do that whenever you're around Glenn." I look down and notice my torn-up cuticles. "Oh shit." I put my hands behind my back and look back at Daryl. "I don't do that because of Glenn. I do that because I-" 

He doesn't need to know about the Fentanyl. 

"Just-I don't do it because of Glenn." Daryl nods in Glenns direction and I can see him looking through binoculars at Maggie who is riding a horse and leading the other. "They're basically already together. Better confess your love now." I groan, "If he wants to be with her then he can be." But I can't peel my eyes away from him eyeing Maggie down. There's something about it that puts a pit in my stomach. When I turn to talk to Daryl again, he's gone. 

"Okay then." I turn and walk the direction we came, finally able to break my eyes away from Glenn. 

T-Dog comes running and says that we need to get to well number two fast so Andrea, Maggie, Glenn, Lori, my dad, and I all follow T-Dog to the well. Dale is waiting for us and we all crowd around it. 

We look down and there is a Walker sitting in the pool of water. It's slightly grey and it's skin is melting all around it's body. 

"Woah." I say, amazed. Everyone looks at me and I just shrug. 

"Looks like we've got us a swimmer." Dale says, holding the flashlight to the Walker. 

"Help me get this off." Dale says, grabbing the broken wood covering on the well. Glenn grabs the other side and they heave it off of the well. 

"How long do you think it's been down there?" Glenn asks, peering over the side of the well.

"Long enough to grow gills." Andrea answers. "We can't leave it in there," Lori starts. "God knows what it's doin' in the water." "We got to get it out." My dad agrees. 

"Easy." T-Dog notes. "Put a bullet in it's head. I'll get a rope." "Woah woah, guys no." Maggie orders. "Why not? It's a good plan." Glenn asks. "It's a stupid plan. If that thing hasn't contaminated the water, blowing it's brains out will finish the job." Andrea retorts in her stupid know-it-all voice. 

"She's right. Can't risk it." Shane looks down into the water. "So then what the hell's the plan?" I ask, looking around. "Because we ain't leavin' it in there. And apparently we ain't putting a bullet in it's head. So what, we gonna pull it out alive?" I put my hands on my hips. 

Dale is holding a noose like rope down in the well, Shane holds a rope with canned ham tied to it. 

"He's not goin' for it." Dale speaks. "Maybe 'cause the canned ham don't kick n' scream when you try to eat it." T-Dog looks around. 

"He's right, there's a reason the dead didn't come back to life and start raiding our cupboards." I scoff at Lori's sass, I kind of love it. 

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