"Don't you worry about me, I'm very good at being spontaneous." I mumbled.

A ghost of a smile went over his face before he focused his attention to Michonne asking about some protein bar. Now really didn't seem like the time for that conversation, but I was the last person to judge. I am the queen of inappropriate commentary.

Rick stood next to me and I found myself wishing he'd hold my hand. Just like he did when we first got to Alexandria. I didn't want to admit that there was fear coursing through my veins. If this doesn't work, all we've worked on will be for nothing. Our families will be in danger with no way out.

"It'll work, Jo." Rick said.

My head moved to see him already looking at me. He was watching me intently, probably seeing my emotions displayed across my face. I gave him a weak smile.

"I'm here, of course it will." I said

The joke came across a bit breathless and unsteady, but I could see the corners of his mouth turn up. It eased my mind for a moment. We got this under control. A little early, but still controlled. One day later wouldn't make a big difference.

It didn't take long for the sound of feet dragging across the floor followed by faint groans and moans to reach us. I strained to hear the sound of Daryl's motorcycle, but I did indeed hear it. My eyes briefly closed as I consoled myself with it.

When I opened my eyes, the others were firing flare guns to direct the herd in the other direction and hopefully not break down the barrier in between us. Then it reached us.

A non-stop thud sound as walkers ran into the blockade. A lump formed in my throat at the noise. Even Michonne seemed unnerved by the sounds. There was only a wall preventing our meeting with thousands of undead souls.

We stayed there for a couple of minutes just to make sure it held up. Once that was assured, Rick led us through the woods to the next rendezvous where Glenn and his team were. They were able to do their job as quickly as we did ours.

"Everyone, we need to finish this. We have to keep moving and fan out down that thing front to back. Like we said, cops at a parade. Glenn, you take the back, you got the other walkie. If it gets sloppy, we fire out weapons, pull them back on track." Rick explained.

Glenn handed him another gun while glancing at the one currently in my holster. I laid my hand on it protectively. Now that Rick's protected by another one, I don't wish to give mine up. It was a piece of me, and a piece of him.

As the others fanned out, I went to do the same but was stopped by Rick. I frowned at the gesture. The look on his face was one I knew and despised seeing.

"We got it from here," he assured me, "you need to get to Alexandria."

I glared at him as he put his hands on his hips. He gave me a stern look, almost scolding in its nature. Yet I knew it was concern and a lack of patience for any protests. Even well-meaning ones.

"Rick, I can help." I argued.

His hands held my face delicately and I immediately leaned into his touch. It was like a switch turned off and I couldn't think about anything other than how good it felt to be held.

"Hey, I know you can. I already sent off Morgan to tell the others, but I need you to protect our home. Can you do that for me, huh?" He said quietly.

My eyes softened and I nodded, despite wishing to be here and to make sure he was safe. He leaned in to kiss my forehead before telling me to go. I watched as he went ahead and I held back a plea for him to stay with me.

Instead I made my way away from the road, even though my eyes kept flickering back to see if I could catch a glimpse of our group. Until I was too far away to see anything. I knew Morgan was already way ahead of me so I took my time.

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