234 | Proposition

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     Eventually, the Tax Collectors enter the atrium, followed by two nuns and two priests. Walking right behind them was a man wearing a black cassock with red buttons and a waistband. His name is Father Lucas Ivory, a Catholic Bishop and the school president of St. George Academy.

     Max saw him during the crowning ceremony after the brotherhood reranking, and the best way to describe his face is kind. But the problem now is that Max is skeptical of the said kindness. Would a kind president let all this happen to his own school?

     Well, to be fair, Janus Sinclaire has his own shortcomings. But at least he doesn't deny the fact that he fucked things up a couple of times.

     "Good afternoon, Father Lucas," everyone says in unison while holding onto their chests.

     The bishop and his entourage went on stage while the rest of the Saints moved aside to give them space. Max didn't really know what they were supposed to do. He had a lot of ideas in mind, but what he didn't expect at all was that St. George Academy's way of morning assembly was actually praying the rosary.

     Max wanted to respect the solemnity of the prayer, but he couldn't help but find it all ironic. How can the very people who bullied them just minutes ago now start praying so peacefully as if they can't even hurt a fly? People really are good at pretending to be kind so that they wouldn't get persecuted by people they think hold more power.

     "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen," the bishop says as everyone did the sign of the cross. "Our morning assembly has ended. You may now head back to your respective classrooms. As for the Saints and the Brotherhoods, please stay behind."

     "Wait, that's it?" Max asks in shock as the white uniforms start heading out of the atrium.

     "You should be glad that that's it, so let's just go," Keigo replies, pulling Max out of the atrium with the rest of the divisions.

     When all the white uniforms now left, all the brotherhoods and the members of the Saints immediately went down on one knee to properly face the reverend father, whose kind face now turned into something more serious.

      "Why are the students covered in red paint when they all know we're going to have our morning assembly?" Father Lucas asks first. Obviously, the vice president steps in since he's responsible for what happened to the white uniforms.

     "It seems to have been an accident," Vice President Levi answers.

     "An accident?"

     "But everything has been dealt with," Uchdryd quickly adds, helping out the vice president so he won't get scolded. "We already found out who started the mess, and I have given him his proper punishment. You may ask the other students for confirmation."

     "Is that so?" Father Lucas asks, now staring at the strongest leader in the atrium. "Then that's good. Anyone who disobeys must be persecuted in front of everyone so they can be an example. You made a good judgment as always, Uchdryd. I am pleased."

     "Thank you, Father," Uchdryd replies while bowing his head.

     "But how about giving that student to us so we can bring him to the convent? We can make sure that he doesn't make trouble again," Matthias, the leader of the Tax Collectors and the student who faced Max at the cafeteria earlier, suddenly suggests with a grin.

     "I don't think that's necessary," Ruby Rose, the second lord, replies, and Matthias sighs before turning to the bishop again.

     Lucas Ivory got ready to dismiss everyone, but then he noticed something that made him look at Blade and Killshot. "Where is your leader? The reranking has already ended a week ago. How long does he need to recover?" Father Lucas then asks.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 4-6) ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin