"Why did Dionysus come on now!!" Jisung complained as he parked the car.

"I don't know! Anyway, let's go,"Junhyung got out of the car.

The three of them walked into the salon and then they saw the famous, Jihyo!

"Omg is that the one manager from Victoria's Secret!!" Taeyeob pointed out.

"I think so,"Junhyung agreed,"Should we say hi?"

"Sure. Fuck it," Jisung walked over to the supposed Jihyo,"Hi! Do you remember me... and them?"

"Who are you?" The lady turned around,"I'm joking! Yes I do! I actually quit Victoria's Secret  and now I work here!"

"It's nice seeing you!" Taeyeob smiled.

"We're here to get our hair done," Junhyung said.

"I can see that. What's the name for your appointment?" Jihyo asked.

"Taeyeob, my favorite client is that you!!" some lady yelled and came over.

"Taeyeob, what the fuck? You come here?" Junhyung questioned.

"Yeah. I didn't wanna say so I don't have to pay!" Taeyeob replied.

"Have you ever heard of a discount??" Jisung said.

"Oh yeah.. anyway, HI MINNIE!!" Taeyeob screamed and went to hug the lady.

"Minnie mouse? Nah just kidding. The appointment is for Junhyung," Junhyung grinned.

"Don't you dare talk about Minnie Mouse like that! Yongsoo loves minnie and mickey mouse!!" Jisung hit Junhyung.


"Alright I see it! Minnie will do your friend's hair and I'll do, uh what's your name?" Jihyo pointed to Jisung.


"I'll do yours and my great friend Nayeon will do yours, uh I'm assuming Junhyung?"

"yeah, that's me. ok go Jisung," Junhyung pushed Jisung.


The three got their hair done surprisingly quick. They walked out of the salon and now they were gonna surprise everyone else. Bonus is, they got Jihyo's number (even though they're just gonna hang out as friends but like Jihyo is so cool)

"I can't believe you got unicorn looking hair," Jisung got in the car.

"I can't believe you actually got fucking sliver!" Junhyung closed the car door,"Ok but blue actually really suits Taeyeob."

"Thank you thank you. Also we got a discount so be greatful,"Taeyeob commented.

"Probably because of Jihyo and Minnie," Junhyung said.

"Yeah yeah," Taeyeob rolled his eyes.

"Friends household"

"We're back!!!" Junhyung yelled.

"Are they even home?" Jisung questioned.

"Probably," Taeyeob responded.

"Junhyungie!!" Sungho said running down the stairs,"Wait, what the fuck. Who are you guys? I swear i heard Junhyung."

"I am Junhyung!!" Junhyung pointed to himself then pointed to Taeyeob,"That's Taeyeob and the guy with the ugly ass sliver hair is Jisung."

"My hair is not ugly!!"

"Holy fucking shit Junhyung you're so hot," Sungho hugged Junhyung.

"Was I never hot?"

"No. You're even hotter now"

"Ew ew I'm finding Kyubin," Taeyeob ran up the stairs.

"Yeah I'm gonna go find Wookjin and Yongsooo..." Jisung followed Taeyeob.

"Wanna fuck on the couch?" Sungho offered.


"Taeyeob and Kyubin's room"

Kyubin was sitting in his chair doing whatever work he needed to do for his job (probably writting documents) and then Taeyeob ran behind him and hugged him.

"I'm back Kyubin!!" Taeyeob grinned.

Kyubin turned around and jumped because he could not recognize Taeyeob for whatever reason,"Who the gay are you?"

"I'm your boyfriend! I went out with Jisung and Junhyung to dye our hair!!" Taeyeob pouted at the fact that Kyubin couldn't recognize him.

"Wait what the fuck you look so good," Kyubin kissed Taeyeob's cheek.

"Thank you thank you"

"Oh my god cover your ears I hear someone moaning downstairs,"he covered his ears and then Taeyeob did the same.

"Wookjin, Jisung, and Yongsoo's room"

"I'm home my babies!!"Jisung badged into his shared room.

"Who the fuck is that?" Yongsoo questioned.

"Are you stupid? That's Jisung," Wookjin hit Yongsoo.

"Oh, OH. I'm a dumbass. You look so different," Yongsoo finally realized that that was Jisung.

"I know, I know," Jisung flopped on the bed,"Ok I'm going to sleep. Someone, actually both of you cuddle with me please."

"Ok!"Wookjin flopped on the bed with Jisung and so did Jisung.

And now everything was very peaceful, until they heard suspicious noises from downstairs and couldn't sleep.

A/N: Got this idea because I'm dying my hair soon and like I've been wanting to do a chapter like this for so long, except i didn't expect for it to be 1000+ words cause like that never happens unless it's like a birthday special or something but I'm not complaining. Anyway, thanks for reading!!

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