ch 18: The power outage

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Y/n: what the f*ck?

The abode of Ruby was engulfed in utter obscurity and Y/n swiftly extracted her cellular device from her pouch as she commenced to activate her illumination device. When she accomplished that, they were eventually able to perceive each other.

Chaeyeong: what's wrong with this electricity?

Taehyung: not gonna lie, that's seriously weird.

Ruby: And did you guys ever realised that it always takes place at night when the reporters tries to show anything about that murder?

Y/n: ya, i did.

Chaeyeong: I also.

Taehyung: really? I didn't noticed that much.

Ruby: yes, it feels like something's wrong with electricity.

Chaeyeong: And the weirdest thing is that, our city's electricity never goes out like that.

Y/n: I guess there's not anything wrong with electricity but something's probably wrong with power plant.

Ruby: I thought the same.

Chaeyeong: hey, taehyung. What do you think about that?

He was deeply thinking about something. He had his mind fully absorbed in a certain topic. he was trying to understand something and was oblivious to the sounds, the sights, the smells, and the people that surrounded him. Suddenly Y/n speaks out....

Y/n: hey, taehyung! What the heck are you thinking?

Chaeyeong: I felt like sometimes, he over thinks alot.

(Ruby laughed and Y/n giggled a bit.)

Taehyung: yes girls. I agree, I've a habit to overthink alot.

Ruby: never mind, just leave it. We'll see whatever happens later.

Chaeyeong: of course, you're already so care less. A person like you can say that easily.

Y/n: and now, I realised y'all are weird as f--k. Haha, just kidding.

Chaeyeong : at least, don't forget to include yourself.

Y/n: of course, I'm a weirdo too.

Ruby: anyways chaeyeong and Y/n, your parents aren't at your homes so, I guess you both can stay at my house.

Chaeyeong: you mean, staying at your house at night?

Y/n : seriously?

Ruby: yes, so.

Y/n: that's fine, I don't have any problem.

Chaeyeong: well... I also. Taehyung, can't you stay with us ??

Y/n: w-what?

Chaeyeong: what's wrong with him?

Ruby: yes, why're you getting so shocked?

Taehyung: she actually don't want me to stay with y'all. Haha.

Y/n: no, it's not that...

Taehyung : fine, let me stay with these kids a bit more.

Ruby : yay...

Chaeyeong : haha.

At 9:35 in power plant :

A female individual who was formerly employed in the operation of electrical generation facility has arrived from an unspecified location, exhibiting signs of physical exhaustion. She scans her surroundings with her eyes, seeking a place to rest. Suddenly spots a piece of furniture designed for sitting, and manages to move her body to occupy it. She abruptly extends her arm towards her pocket, then extracts a container filled with liquid and proceeds to consume it.

Abruptly after ten minutes, it appeared to her that some individual had emerged and he was battering the portal vigorously. Her thorax were oscillating very rapidly, she was inhaling heavily. she repositioned her liquid container in her pouch and proceeded to unlatch the door.

When she unlocked the portal, a delightful grin emerged on her visage and the maiden uttered...

? : oh, soobin. You finally came. Do you even know how long I've waited for you.

Soobin: yeah, I realised.

He appeared somewhat fatigued and it seemed like there was a cluster of blossoms in his grasp. The maiden perceived that cluster and subsequent to beholding that, she abruptly inquires...

? : is that for me?

Soobin: if you want to take it then, yes you can.

? : obviously, thanks alot. Anyways, you may come inside.

Soobin: is there anyone else?

? : no, there isn't. Just come inside babe.

Soobin: stop calling me babe.

?: You're just so anti-romamtic.

Soobin : I know right. I'm not dating you...

They progressed and soobin discerned a table and chair which was positioned at his starboard side. He advanced and settles on the chair while flexing his anterior appendage on his posterior appendage.

? : do you want water?

Soobin : yea, please.

That damsel departed and subsequently returned with a goblet of water in her appendages.

? : here you go.

Soobin: thanks. By the way, I wanted to ask you something.

? : alas, don't ask me anything about electricity.

Soobin: and why?

? : I.... I don't know what to say. I'm speechless.

Soobin: please say something. Anything.

She was situated adjacent to the slab so she approached a tad nearer to the table and deposited her pair of appendages on the slab, endeavoring to obtain sustenance from the slab while upright. She immediately exclaimed...

? : soobin, I love you alot. I've always loved you. But I never thought you would feel the same way about me. Actually, loved you more then anything else in this world and.....

Soobin: and what?

All of a sudden, it appeared as if she was descending into her psychological collapse. Her extremities commenced quivering and she experienced a frigidity in her entire physique. She abruptly erupted into sobs.

Soobin: wait, what's the point of crying? I guess you did something wrong.

? : I actually cut off the electricity whenever the media tried to show the murder mystery. I'm sorry, I risked everything.

Soobin : why did you do that?

? : but I helped you cover up the murder of jungwoon. I knew that our leader was the one who killed him but he actually killed jungwoon because of you! If you were not present on that day and didn't got involved in the fight, then I guess it won't be happen. All of that happened just because of you. Didn't it?

Soobin : I know I was problematic but....

? : but what? I just tried to save you from being arrested. I couldn't save my leader and I felt regret.

Soobin: you tried to save me and because of that you risked everything.

? : so, you wanted to be arrested? Right?

Soobin : at least, it will be better then to risked our whole team.

? : I couldn't save my leader and you want me to do the same thing with yourself. I won't let this happen. Never. There's no way.

Soobin : I understand and respect your feelings.

? : and, didn't you felt regret when our leader was going to be arrested just because of you?

Soobin : uhmm... I actually did but....

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