ch 13: A Crisis of Trust

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Subsequent to departing the residence, y/n attained her abode warily. When she attained her abode at 12:00 she resolved to view that television news channel anew. She had a sizable parcel of crisps as she was viewing television whilst consuming them. She was slightly inquisitive to discern what interrogations the news correspondent might have posed from that principle.


Reporter: I acknowledge that we were conversing about the homicide incident of that academy, but it appears like some flora administrators in the metropolis had deactivated the current from the dynamo. Incidentally, we couldn't execute further scrutiny due to power breakdown, but we'll recommence our inquiry again tomorrow at acute 9:00 pm. Gratitude.

Y/n:, that's bad luck for that poor principal. The city lights went out as soon as that idiot came on tv... Hahaha, that's pretty amazing. I guess I'm making fun of her too much. Maybe that's enough.

Abruptly, Y/n conceived that she would divulge Chaeyeong everything what transpired to her and what not, so she opted to contacted her on phone. Chaeyeong responded her within two minutes.


chaeyeong: hey, y/n have you heard about jungwoon's murder on the news channel??

Y/n: hmm.. I've heard 'bout that.

Chaeyeong: tf, I just wanna know about that how did it all happened??

Y/n: I know... A little bit.

Chaeyeong: how did you know??

Y/n: Actually, the situation you're facing right now is similar to mine a while ago after hearing this news, so I wanted to talk to Taehyung about it. You know that the electricity of our city went off and my phone wasn't charged, so I couldn't discuss it with him on the phone. But still, because I had a little battery left in my phone, I made an internet call to Taehyung and he immediately invited me to the mansion. When I got to the mansion, he told me some things. So, that's why...

Chaeyeong: where are you right now??

Y/n: I'm at my home.

Chaeyeong: You went to that f-ckin' mansion alone on such a dark night??

Y/n: yah... I did because my parents aren't at home. They've gone to my mother's house due to some property issues.

Chaeyeong: girl.... I wanna tell you the same thing.

Y/n: what do you mean?
Chaeyeong: You know that my father doesn't live with us, he lives separately and my mother has gone to one of my relatives for the next 3 weeks.

Y/n: luck*

Chaeyeong: by the way, Taehyung must have told you about Jungwoon's murder case, right?? tell me 'bout that too!!

Y/n: basically, he didn't told me everything, he just said that "Do you remember the words of Soobin?? I'm talking 'bout the words he was speaking after getting beaten up by Jungwoon??" And I said "Well, maybe he was saying something like "things are about to get worse for those poor boys." As he said "ya, and that's why it all happened." He didn't tell me anything else.

Chaeyeong: wait a minute y/n, isn't it means, there is soobin's hand behind all these stuff.

Y/n: I guess. But Jungwoon was murdered by the hands of a mafia, wasn't it? i mean the reporters are showing the same thing in the news.

Chaeyeong: hmmm... I feel like There's something's wrong here. Don't you find something wrong behind this?

Y/n: ya, And it is that as soon as the reporters were about to interrogate the people of our school, the city's electricity went off. I don't know why but I just find it a bit strange.

Chaeyeong: exactly, f-ckin' right, literally I was thinking 'bout the same thing. It was quite strange that the electricity of the city went off at that time.

Y/n: well... Chaeyeong, I'm so sleepy right now. so, we'll meet up tomorrow at school.

Chaeyeong: ohk, But I want you to wake up before school's time 'cause I know your mother wakes you up every day and without her it's very difficult for you to wake up, you are so lazy.

Y/n: ohh come on.... I'll wake up.

Chaeyeong: fine good bye.

Y/n: bye..

She succumbed to slumber as soon as she terminated the call, she possessed a sachet of crisps in her grasp and neglected to switch off the television adequately.

AT 6:15 A.M

When she regained consciousness in the dawn, she sensed that someone was stationed outside her abode and was hammering the portal severely. She was extremely somnolent and didn't even experience like arising, but whoever was stationed outside was incessantly battering on the portal. Y/n had to ascend even against her volition. She abraded her orbs and proceeded towards the portal. When she unlocked the portal, her pulsation ceased. She witnessed soobin stationed outside of her abode. A pale dressing was fastened on his cranium. For a moment she surmised she's still in her reveries. She uttered...

Y/n: s-soobin what're you doing in front of my house??

Soobin: you're y/n?? Right??

Y/n: yes, I'm.

Soobin: Actually....your friend Kylie told me, today she'll go school with you, so I should wait for her outside at your house. She said that "you should take Y/n also with yourself," that's why I came to call you.

Y/n: ohh... Great.... (Confused)

Soobin: by the way, it seems as you're not ready for school.

She looked towards her nighty.

Y/n: ahh... I'm sorry, I'll be ready in just next two seconds, just wait for a while.

She terminated the portal and proceeded to prepare herself. She was veritably expediting with alacrity. It consumed her already a quarter of an hour and Kylie had already materialized outside of her abode. Y/n commenced panicking now she didn't even ingest her morning meal and departed her domicile like that.
she opened the door after getting all dressed up. Suddenly Soobin said...

Soobin: nice.... you just arrived too early, I think you can take some more time for yourself.

Kylie: shut up, soobin!!

Kylie: anyways y/n, let's go to our school. We're late

Y/n: uhmm... Yah, let's go.

All three of them were traversing on the path when they beheld a pavement monitor on which a reportage conduit is proceeding.


Park Jimin, has lawfully attained the academy designated coral cave...with his other sleuths 'cause 80 thousand won has been pilfered from the school...

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