Chapter 34

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"Where's Devlin?" Kingsley asked Donald.

"He's out with Changhui on a date," Donald informed. "Why? Oh, hey Gray,"

"Kingsley and I need to talk to Devlin," Gray's body was shaking.

Donald became concerned for his friend. "You should sit down—"

"I'm going to go and find him myself!" Gray stormed out of the apartment and Kingsley quickly followed.

"Hey," Donald was confused and joined them. "Why are you guys searching for Devlin? I'm all for interrupting their date but what's so important that you can't wait for him to come home?"

"You've also read Devlin's books," Kingsley said. "Don't try to lie and cover it up. You also managed to put two and two together, didn't you?"

"Like I said, the names are probably just a coincidence—"

"The names could be written off as a coincidence if not for the events to be nearly identical to what I've experienced!" Gray snapped. "The story was published a few years ago, but these events didn't happen until this year and last year!"

"Tell us where Devlin is, Donald," Kingsley requested. "We deserve answers. If not me, then at least Gray deserves answers since the events are mainly about him,"

Donald sighed and decided it was best for Devlin to handle it. "They're at the convenience store a few streets down,"

"I thought they were on a date?" Kingsley questioned.

"Devlin likes to eat instant ramen," Donald shrugged. 

Gray was obviously angry as the group made their way over to Devlin and Changhui who had just finished their bowls of ramen and were chatting. Without warning, Gray ran up to Devlin and punched him in the face.

"Gray, what the fuck!?" Devlin exclaimed. 

"YOU KNEW!" Gray shouted. "You knew what was going on with Stephen! You knew that Bryce had betrayed us! You knew that they'd eventually shove Stephen off the roof! YOU FUCKING KNEW!"

"He and Kingsley both read Weak Hero," Donald quietly informed his older brother. "They know,"

"Know what?" Changhui asked. "If it's about what happened to Stephen, I'm sure Devlin would've done all that he could to stop it if he knew that'd happen,"

"He did know!" Gray was crying out of anger and frustration. 

Devlin stared at Gray and then slowly turned towards Kingsley, who was also glaring at him. 'There's no point in trying to deny it. These two aren't idiots,' "Yes, I did know what was going to happen,"

Gray punched him again and Devlin didn't bother dodging or blocking. It's not like Gray's punches could do any serious damage to him. "Why didn't you do anything to save him!?"

"I did try to save him," Devlin told him. "Why do you think Oscar Yang is no longer part of the city council? I worked hard to dig up dirt on him and even asked Donald for help. I thought that after his father loses power, Oswald Yang would leave Stephen alone,"

"Plenty of people bully other students without having the backing of a city councilman!" Gray pointed out. "Why would Oswald Yang be any different!? He was angrier after his father lost his position and targeted Stephen who would never fight back!"

"I'm sorry," Devlin couldn't bring himself to look Gray in the eyes.

"Devlin, did you really know what would happen to Stephen?" Changhui asked. "But how could you have known?"

"That's what I'd like to know too," Kingsley said. "Well?"

"This conversation is better suited for somewhere more private," Devlin stood up. "Let's go back to the apartment and I'll explain everything there. I already told Donald the truth. Gray, Kingsley, Changhui, you three also deserve to know the truth too,"

The walk back to the apartment complex was tense. If they had taken Changhui's car, it would've been too suffocating. As they reached the sidewalk across from the apartment and as they were crossing, Devlin felt an odd sense of déjà vu.

He heard the roaring of the oncoming engine and felt the rumbling of the road. He tried to brush his worries off and told himself that the truck would stop in time since it was in broad daylight, but his gut said otherwise and Devlin knew to definitely trust his gut in important situations. "EVERYONE GET OFF THE ROAD!"

But it was too late. Everyone was in the middle of the road by the time the truck arrived and rammed into the group of five. Devlin was sent flying and tried to scream, but his mouth was quick to fill with blood. He wished he had been knocked out immediately. The pain was too much for him to handle. But that wasn't the worst part: the sight of Donald, Kingsley, Gray, and Changhui unconscious and suffering from serious injuries was horrifying to see.

"No..." Devlin sobbed. 'Donald...Gray...Kingsley...Changhui...' He reached his hand out towards his little brother. "Donald..." 'They can't die here! They have so much to live for! This can't be happening!' Devlin soon joined them in the realm of unconsciousness.


Devlin felt as if he were floating in a white void. He felt weightless, like he could continue floating upwards forever. He couldn't tell if his eyes were open or not but he could see nothing but white. It surprisingly felt peaceful.

The feeling didn't last long. He felt something heavy pull him downwards and he screamed. He suddenly felt himself open his eyes and he was in somewhere else entirely different. The weightlessness and floating sensation were gone and he felt like an actual human being now. 

The room he was in resembled the cozy fireplace communal area at an inn. Devlin and everyone else sat on the U-shaped couch as if they had been there on vacation. It seemed like everyone else had also regained consciousness.

Devlin then noticed something: his skin color was different. It wasn't Devlin Na's skin color but Skai Kaishi's skin color. He quickly took out his phone and turned on the selfie camera. His hair was now shorter, messier, and black. His eyes were no longer blood red like Donald's and were now instead a sapphire blue. He was no longer Devlin Na and had reverted back to being Skai Kaishi.

"What's going on?" Skai asked. "Where are we?"

Donald, who sat closest to him, stared at him with confusion. Of course he'd be confused since he had never seen Skai Kaishi before. Donald was quickly able to recognize him due to the absence of his older brother though. "Devlin?"

"Yeah," Skai gently smiled reassuringly. "It's me,"

"Devlin, is that really you?" Changhui asked.

"Yeah babe," Skai nodded. It was strange hearing himself say that out loud in his original voice instead of Devlin's voice. "It is me,"

"Why do you look like that?" Changhui questioned.

"It's part of the truth that I wanted to tell you guys once we reached the apartment," Skai said.

"So you're a shapeshifter?" Kingsley inquired. "Even if you are, that doesn't explain how you knew the future,"

"He's not a shapeshifter," A voice said. "He's a dimensional traveler," An Italian-Japanese man in his twenties with messy black hair and grey eyes entered the room.

"How the fuck can someone like you exist when I created you as a character in a story!?" Skai's eyes widened as he recognized the man's appearance. "You're Alistair Rei!"

Word Count: 1181

Of course I had to bring back Alistair Rei, my favorite OC of all time that I use across all fandoms.

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