Chapter 22

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"A normal person would need weeks of therapy to learn how to walk and to strengthen their muscles after being asleep for so long," The doctor told Devlin after checking his vitals. "But you seem to be completely back to normal immediately after waking up, except for some stiffness,"

"I guess I'm not normal," Devlin chuckled. 'I mean, I did take over Devlin's body all those years ago. Also I'm from the Real World not the Weak Hero World,'

"Just as a precaution, please remain here overnight," The doctor requested.

"Fine, fine," Devlin reluctantly agreed. "But my little bro gets to stay past visiting hours. I've got a lot of catching up to do,"

"I'll notify the staff," The doctor nodded and then left.

"You really shouldn't have left the hospital like that," Donald scolded. "What if you had suddenly collapsed in the middle of the streets!?"

"Sorry for making you worry," Devlin apologized. "So...tell me more about your friend,"

"This is Kingsley Kwan," Donald introduced. "He's...he's my boyfriend,"

'Woah, I did not expect them to be actually dating,' Devlin smiled. "Congrats," He turned to Kingsley. "I'm Devlin Na, Donald's older brother. I'm sure he's told me all about you,"

"He has," Kingsley nodded.

"I'm honestly surprised since my little brother isn't that sociable of a person," Devlin chuckled. "I'm glad he found someone who makes him happy,"

"Not gonna give him the shovel talk?" Donald joked.

"You're a very cautious person so I trust your judgement in your partner," Devlin replied. "Speaking of partners and boyfriends...did Changhui know that I was in a coma? I don't want him to think that I suddenly ghosted him for no reason,"

Donald grew angry at the mention of Changhui. "He knows but I told him to stay the fuck away from you,"

Devlin frowned. "Why?"

"The people who hurt you were his enemies," Donald revealed. "He's the reason you got hurt,"

"I still want to see him," Devlin said. "I plan on talking to him tomorrow,"


"Donald," Devlin cut him off. "I understand your concerns, but it's my choice, not yours,"

"Okay..." Donald relented.


'So the Union was still created in this timeline,' Devlin thought as he lay awake in bed and Donald slept in the chair nearby. 'I didn't want him to go down that path. I wanted to raise him to be a good person, someone who never becomes part of a gang or creates one. I didn't want him to become someone who hurts others,'

'But...I can kind of understand why Donald did it. The Union brings in a lot of money. Right now, he's even wearing a Verace jacket. Money is very crucial to survival, in both the Real World and the Weak Hero World. Since I've been in a coma for two whole years, my savings wouldn't have been enough for rent, utilities, and food.'

Devlin took a deep breath. 'I should've been stronger. I didn't want Donald to create the Union. I wanted him to live a normal life. I wanted him to have fun and just hang out with friends just like how Ben is. I only wanted him to fight when threatened, not to start fights. If I was stronger...if I had defeated my kidnappers...if I had never fallen into a coma...then Donald would've had a normal life,'

'Donald doesn't know that I know about the Union. I can't change the fact that the Union exists in this timeline. It's already been active for a year and already attracted the attention of Manwol, so he can't just disband it all of a sudden. I doubt he'd even disband it if I requested him to do so,'

'Right now, I need to focus on what I can do. I need to focus on what I can change. I know I can't do anything about Stephen falling, but I will be there to help comfort Gray. I can possibly save Kenny, Gerard and Hyunjin, and Ben and Alex. I don't know the exact dates of those events, but I will do my best to to try to save them,'


Changhui had finished getting ready for the day and was about to leave his apartment when his phone rang. Without looking at the caller ID, he answered it. "Hello?"


"Who is this?" Changhui was worried that he had imagined Devlin's voice.

"'s me, Devlin Na. I'm sorry it took so long for me to wake up. I just woke up yesterday,"


"I'm sorry that my little brother stopped you from visiting. Do you have time to meet up and talk?"

"Of course," Changhui quickly sent a text to Joowon saying that he wouldn't be in today. "I'll drop by and visit you at the hospital,"

"I already got discharged,"

"This soon? You said you only woke up yesterday. If they're forcing you to leave early—"

"Doctor said I'm as healthy as a non-comatose person except for a little stiffness in the limbs,"

"Have you eaten yet? I'll treat you to some food,"


Changhui picked Devlin up from his apartment. Donald was glaring at Changhui from behind Devlin and making threatening neck slicing gestures while holding a shovel. Devlin just said to ignore him as they left. Changhui brought Devlin over to a nice restaurant. It wasn't anything too fancy since he knew that Devlin hated the very expensive types of restaurants.

"I probably should've asked you this before agreeing to meet with you, but did you...did you move on?" Devlin nervously asked. "It's been two years so I understand if you started dating other people,"

"Devlin, I only love you," Changhui told him. "You're the only one for me,"

Devlin smiled. "I love you too," 'He still waited for me. Even though it's been two years, he still didn't move on from me. I'm happy, but I feel guilty. What if I had never woken up? Would he be forever waiting for the impossible? He should've moved on. He should've given up on me,'

"I'm sorry," Changhui apologized. "It was my fault that you ended up in a coma,"

"You don't have to apologize," Devlin told him. "It wasn't your fault,"

"Yes it was," Changhui admitted. "They targeted you because they knew we were dating. We should break up,"

"No," Devlin refused. "If you wanted to break up because you were unhappy or because you were tired of waiting for me to wake up, I'd be fine and understanding. But I won't let you break up with me over that,"

"That's not how break ups work," Changhui deadpanned. "Only one party needs to say it's over for a relationship to end,"

"They already know we're dating," Devlin pointed out. "Even if we were to break up, they already know that you care about me. Your enemies could still go after me again,"

"That's why I'll distance myself from you," Changhui said. "From now on, we're strangers,"

"Too bad, I'm not letting you go that easy," Devlin smirked. "I'll keep on visiting the Mapo Office and the Octagon,"

"You wouldn't dare—"

"I'll even wear a shirt that says 'Changhui's Boyfriend' in big letters," Devlin claimed. "If your enemies come after me again, I'll just fight them but this time I'll win,"

"Why do you want to stay with me even though it will only continue endangering you?" Changhui asked.

"Hey, don't forget that I'm a former Cheongang executive," Devlin reminded. "Cheongang's enemies could still target me even though I'm no longer a member,"

Changhui sighed. "Fine, you do have a point,"

Devlin tugged Changhui's tie and brought him in for a kiss. 

Word Count: 1214

I always love the scenes where one person pulls the other into a kiss by tugging their tie.

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