Chapter 24

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'I need to save Stephen,' Devlin thought once he and Donald arrived home to their apartment. Devlin greeted Kingsley before retreating to his bedroom. 'I need to save him but our enemy is Oscar Yang, a city representative. I've blackmailed people while I was in Cheongang but they were mainly company presidents. Will I be able to dig up dirt on Oscar Yang?'

"I have to save him. After seeing how happy Gray was when he told me about his new friend...I can't let Stephen get shoved off the roof," Devlin sighed. 'But I need to utilize all the help I can. I hate to do this but...I'm going to ask Donald for help. He's already had experience blackmailing and tailing people,'

Devlin took a deep breath to calm himself down and exited his bedroom. "Hey Donald, can I ask for your help with something?"

"Of course," Donald nodded.

"Please help me bring down Oscar Yang,"

A tense silence filled the room. Finally, Donald spoke. "Alright,"

"Nevermind," Devlin quickly changed his mind. "I shouldn't have asked such a thing of you. I don't wanna bother you,"

"Your enemies are my enemies," Donald told him. "You said you need my help, so I'll help you,"

"I shouldn't ask you for help with something like this—"

"You've helped me all these years," Donald reminded. "You raised me all these years. Let me help you this time,"

"You'll be making an enemy out of a city representative," Devlin pointed out.

"He'd be your enemy and he'd go after your family for revenge," Donald claimed. "And like I said, your enemies are my enemies,"

"Why do you suddenly want to take Oscar Yang down?" Kingsley inquired.

"His son's an asshole that gets away with everything due to his father's power," Devlin answered. "Oswald Yang attends Byuksan Middle School. Gray looks like an easy target and I don't want him to become a victim," 'I don't want Gray or Stephen to get hurt,'


Gathering evidence against Oscar Yang didn't happen overnight. It would take a lot of time and patience. Devlin also focused on trying to locate Manwol's hideout, but decided to directly approach Kenny when he caught sight of him and Jake at a soccer field. Kenny bounced the soccer ball on his leg for a bit before kicking it and hitting the goal post.

"Your soccer skills have gotten rusty!" Jake joked.

"No way, I purposely aimed for the goal post," Kenny claimed. "Anyway, that's what I decided to do, and you should do as I say too, Jake,"

The soccer ball rolled over to Devlin's feet. He kicked it into his hands. "Long time no see, Kenny,"

"Oh my god..." Kenny stared at him with wide eyes. "Devlin! You're alright!"

"Glad to see that you're still into soccer," Devlin said.

"Are you really okay?" Kenny asked him. "T-The last time I saw you, you weren't breathing,"

Devlin's eyes widened in realization. "Kenny...were you the one who found me?" 


"Fuck, I'm sorry you had to see me like that," Devlin apologized. "Are you alright?" 

"Your attackers weren't there when I found you—"

"I'm talking about mentally," Devlin clarified. "It must've been traumatizing for you,"

"I-I'm fine," Kenny claimed. "Oh. this is my little brother Jake. I don't think I've mentioned him before. Jake, this is my former soccer assistant teacher, Devlin Na,"

"Hey," Jake greeted.

"Hi," Devlin nodded in acknowledgement. "Kenny, I'd like to talk to you alone if possible,"

"Hey Jake, why don't you go on ahead while I discuss something with Devlin?" Kenny told his brother. "I'll see you later at home,"

"Alright," Jake agreed and then left.

"Changyeon Lee won't let you off easily when you leave Manwol," Devlin got straight to the point. 

"So you know that I'm in a gang, huh," Kenny sat down on the bleachers.

"I also know that you no longer want to be part of it," Devlin sat down next to him. "He wanted to recruit Jake, didn't he?"

"Yeah," Kenny nodded. "Jake's the head of Daehyeon Middle School and there are rumors of a middle school union, so Changyeon and the others want to bring Jake into Manwol. But...I don't want Jake to be dragged into this shitty mess,"

"Changyeon is planning on shattering your leg when you try to leave," Devlin informed. "You'll never be able to run again and will have to forever give up your soccer dreams,"

"Do you know the future or something?" Kenny inquired.

"No," Devlin lied. "But I was part of Cheongang in the past. I successfully left Cheongang after defeating Changhui. I know how gangs works and Changyeon won't just let you go scot-free,"

"There's no other way for me to leave except to get beaten up," Kenny sighed. "At least he's not going to go after Jake,"

"I can help you," Devlin offered. "I'll fight Manwol to save you,"

"It's dangerous—"

"I was strong enough that Janghyeok considered me as a candidate to be his successor," Devlin revealed. "I'm used to danger. Besides, I owe you one. If you hadn't found me and called an ambulance for me that night, I might've died," 

"It was my decision in the first place to join Manwol," Kenny told him. "I'll deal with things myself. You just recently got out of the hospital and I don't want to be the reason you end up back in there,"

'Yeah...I'm not gonna let you get that badly hurt if I'm able to intervene,'


Devlin took nightly walks around Dorim Shopping Complex. Even though it was way too soon for Jeongmu to commit arson or attempted murder, he still enjoyed walking at night. He was much more alert and wouldn't let anyone ever ambush him again.

He ended up going to one of Slam's shows out of curiosity. None of the chapters that they had appeared in had any music, most likely due to Weak Hero not being as popular as the other webtoon series that had music-accompanying chapters. 

Since they hadn't joined up with Sinma Entertainment yet, Devlin had a difficult time locating Slam. They weren't at any of Green Field's locations, so he started looking at smaller venues and eventually found them. He was surprised and amazed by Slam's talent.

Word Count: 1002

Devlin's determined to save Stephen now.

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