Chapter 33

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Devlin woke up later that morning in Changhui's arms, this type not from a nightmare. "Good morning babe," Changhui greeted him with a soft smile.

"Good morning," Devlin smiled back. "What time is it?"

"About seven in the morning," Changhui replied. "If you turn your phone back on, you'll notice that you have a million missed calls and unread texts from your little brother,"

"I'm sure Kingsley eventually got him off my back," Devlin chuckled as he turned his phone back on. He had a single text from Kingsley saying that he got Donald to leave him alone by dragging him out for a date. 

"I don't plan on going to the office until noon," Changhui told him. "If you'd like, I can cook breakfast or we can go out to eat,"

"I'd like to stay inside for now," Devlin answered. "What's for breakfast?"

"I can make some pancakes, waffles, eggs, sausages, and bacon," Changhui answered. "I also have peanut butter, jelly, and bread if you'd prefer that,"

"I'm fine with a simple PB & J sandwich so you don't have to do much work," Devlin said.


'I saw on the Shuttle Patch Forums that Yoosun attacked Eunjang yesterday,' Donald thought as he ate breakfast with Kingsley. 'That means Harper Ha is going to be dropping by Yeo-Il to snitch and Kingsley will tell him to find me in Yeouinaru. But there is a bit of a problem now,'

Yoosun VS Eunjang: Jimmy Bae VS Ben Park Rematch!

-LOL Jimmy lost again

-Did he seriously think he could beat Ben Park?

-Anyone else think that the fight was really similar to that one popular Wottpad story tho?

-Which one?

-Weak Hero by ShuichiAkaiKaishi

-There's a scene in there where Yoo High School attacks Silver High School

-The fight between Jihoon Bae and Humin Park was identical to Jimmy VS Ben

-I saw Gray Yeon dodging Jimmy's punches easily and immediately thought of Sieun Yeon dodging Jihoon's punches like that

-Does this mean ShuichiAkaiKaishi can predict the future?

-No way!

-I mean it's too identical to be a coincidence...

"I'm not going to tell Hyeongshin to attack Eunjang to avenge Yoosun," Donald told Kingsley as he sipped some chocolate milk. "I don't want to endanger Gray. Though, Jimmy did ruin the Union's reputation with his loss so there will be a punishment. I'll call a meeting between executives and announce that Ganghak will manage Yoosun," 'That should be enough of a difference that will make people no longer compare reality to Devlin's book. Jake isn't even part of the Union in this world,'

"Weak Hero is the name of Devlin's book, right?" Kingsley inquired.

"Yeah," Donald nodded. "Why?"

"On the Shuttle Patch—"

"Kingsley," Donald cut him off. "It's probably just a coincidence. How could Devlin know how the fight between Yoosun and Eunjang would go? He's not omnipotent,"

"Let's send Hyeongshin to deal with Eunjang," Kingsley told Donald. "Forrest Lee's actions and the result of the fights will determine—"

"I'm not endangering Gray," Donald's tone was firm.

"We'll say Gray is off limits," Kingsley suggested.

"People will be able to connect that Gray has a connection to me," Donald pointed out. "Gray's friends already hates Yoosun. If they find out Jimmy's boss is a friend of Gray's, it might strain their friendship. I don't want to hurt Gray like that, especially since he's finally beginning to open up again,"

"They're not friends," Kingsley said. "Gray only fought against Yoosun because they had his bag,"

"He told me that he was going to hang out at the pool hall with Ben Park's gang at the end of the month," Donald claimed, remembering that detail from Weak Hero.

Kingsley didn't believe him, but he dropped the subject. 'There's something off about Devlin and Donald is obviously covering for his brother. I'll need to read Devlin's book,'


While Donald was at Yeouinaru, Kingsley read Weak Hero. He closed the app once he finished reading Sieun's backstory. On the way to the student council room, he ended up bumping into Helmet.

"K-Kingsley Kwan," Helmet stuttered.

"What do you want?" Kingsley asked, already annoyed by the bastard's mere presence. 

"I...I have something to report to Donald Na regarding Yoosun..." Helmet couldn't meet the maroon-haired teen's gaze.

"Go to Yeouinaru," Kingsley walked past him. "But what do you even have to report alone, without Jimmy Bae? Heh, I'm telling you, damn dysfunction Yoosun, right?" 'This scene happened right before Sieun's backstory. Heechul Ha went to Yi High School to report something to Baekjin Na and bumps into Seokhyeon Kwan who tells him to go to Yeouinaru,'

'I need to go and talk to Gray and have him read this story too. If he confirms that Sieun's backstory is extremely similar, nearly identical, to his final year in middle school, then it means Devlin's story is about this world. But how does Devlin know the future?'


Kingsley arrived at Gray's apartment after he was sure the latter was finished with cram school. He knocked on the door and Gray answered. "Kingsley?"

"I need to talk to you," Kingsley requested.

Gray allowed him inside the apartment and made two cups of coffee. "What's wrong? Did something happen to Donald and Devlin?"

"No, they're both fine," Kingsley took out his phone and opened up Wottpad. "I need you to read the first thirty seven chapters of Weak Hero. It was written and published a few years ago,"

"Okay," Gray agreed and started to read. He furrowed his brows as he read. Once he finished, his hands were trembling and he handed the phone back to Kingsley. "Who wrote that?"

"Devlin did," Kingsley answered. "How much of it actually happened?"

"If we change the given names to the names of the people I've encountered that have the same family names, most of this is true," Gray informed. "During the first week of school, Colton Choi grabbed me so I used my bag straps to tie his wrists together and slapped the shit out of him. Then he and his friends tried to attack me at the underpass but I beat all of them in the exact same manner described in the book,"

"What about..." Kingsley knew it was a sore topic for Gray. "What about Sieun and Suho?"

Gray took a deep breath and shakily answered, "It's almost identical..."

"We need to talk to Devlin,"

Word Count: 1018

Uh-oh. Devlin's gonna have some problems.

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