Chapter 30

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Donald read over the first chapter of Reincarnated as the Villain's Big Brother. 

'He...he fucking looks like the child version of Baekjin Na! Even though we've only seen glimpses of his past so far, and this kid looks much younger than Baekjin Na did in those brief flashback panels, he looks exactly like him! is that even possible? Baekjin Na is fictional—aw who the fuck am I kidding? Does it even matter if he's fictional? My whole fucking appearance changed! Actually, my whole fucking identity changed! That should be impossible but somehow happened!'

"Don—" Skai stopped when he saw the kid's eyes become more teary. 'We're in South Korea so he should be going by his Korean name, not his anglicized name,' "Baekjin?"

"Baekjin Na," Donald realized. "Baekjin Na is the main villain of Weak Hero and the title of this book is Reincarnated as the Villain's Big Brother. I'm the villain. But that means that Gray was originally my enemy,"

"I do kinda want to tell you, but I also don't want to tell you. I don't want to tell you because you might not believe me but also if you did believe me, you might hate me,"

'Is this what Devlin meant?' Donald wondered.

There was a knock at the guest room door. "Hey Donald, I think I do want to talk to you about the thing that I wanted to tell you,"

Donald opened the door. "Let's go for a walk, Dev,"

The two brothers walked down the streets of Gangnam and eventually stopped at a swing set of a playground. Both of them sat down and Devlin sighed. "I don't know where to begin or how to tell you,"

"I've read your books," Donald revealed. "I put two and two together. The second book, Reincarnated as the Villain's Big Brother, is about your life here, isn't it?"

Devlin stared at him with wide eyes. "I did not actually expect you to read my books. Oh well, I have no idea what to say so I'm gonna go and look for another truck to run me over," He stood up to leave.

"Devlin," Donald grabbed his hand. "How about you not die?"

"Technically I can still get hit by a truck and live,"

"How about you don't get hit by a truck?" Donald requested. "Sit back down,"

"Alright, alright," Devlin sat back down on the swing besides Donald. "So you know that I'm from another world?"


"The world we're currently in is actually a fictional webcomic in my original world,"


"Do you hate me now?"

"Devlin, why the fuck would I hate you over this?" Donald turned to face him. "Based on what you wrote in Weak Hero, I had no older brother to raise me. Because you existed in my world, in this world, my life was much easier than Baekjin Na's life. I love you, Devlin. You're my big brother,"

Devlin couldn't help but shed a couple tears. "I thought you'd hate me for deceiving you all these years. I thought you'd disown me as your older brother. Did you read the whole thing?"

"I only finished all of Weak Hero and the first chapter of Reincarnated as the Villain's Big Brother," Donald answered.

"Donald, if you read further you'll see that I sometimes thought about just abandoning you," Devlin confessed. "I thought that since you grew up without an older brother in the canon timeline, it didn't matter if I took you with me,"

"But you didn't abandon me," Donald pointed out. "You already told me about this,"

Silence filled the air for a few minutes until Devlin spoke. "I died on my twenty second birthday," Devlin revealed. "August 10th, 2023. I still can't believe that I've been living in this world for nine years already,"

"You were comatose for two of those years," Donald reminded.

"If I hadn't been isekai'd, I would've been in my thirties," Devlin realized. "Oh my Arceus, I'm old!"

"Old man," Donald laughed.

Another round of silence filled the air. Once again, it was Devlin who broke it. "I thought I was going to be able to change everything. I stopped Gerard from running into a burning building. I saved Kenny from Manwol so Jake doesn't have to join your Union. Since you were preoccupied with me in the hospital, you didn't beat up Ben or Alex. But Stephen..." 

He grabbed a rock and threw it as hard as he could at the playground equipment. "We managed to expose the dirt on Oscar Yang so Stephen should've been safe! In the end, he still fell from the roof and ended up in a coma! What's the point of being in this world if I can't save everyone!?"

"Devlin, you can't save everyone," Donald told him. "You're not an omnipotent god. You're just a human like everyone else. You can't save everyone but you still managed to help a lot of people,"

"I know but it's still so frustrating," Devlin gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. "Stephen is kind and caring. He hates violence and didn't deserve such a fate!" He sighed and sat back down on the swing. "Even if Oscar Yang doesn't blacklist Gray from local high schools like in canon, all of the elite high schools here won't want to enroll someone with a violent mark on their record. I should probably stop Gray from attacking Oswald Yang's gang, but they deserve it,"

"Is he still going to enroll into Eunjang?" Donald inquired.

"Part of me wants him to enroll into Eunjang and become friends with Ben and the others like in canon," He looked up at the sky. "But I don't want to control his fate like that. He isn't a puppet for me to control as I please. I will admit that if he doesn't go to Eunjang and doesn't become friends with Ben, Alex, Gerard, Teddy, Eugene, and Rowan, I will find it sad since they had a strong friendship in canon,"

"He might choose Yeo-Il since Kingsley and I will be attending there," Donald said. "There's also Ganghak in terms of studious schools too. Daehyeon will be peaceful since it seems like Jake will be attending that high school,"

"In the end, Gray isn't restrained to just Eunjang so it's his choice for which high school he'll be attending," 

Word Count: 1028

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