Chapter 8

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Devlin worked hard. He fought enemies of Cheongang. Sometimes he was assigned to trail someone and take photos for blackmail. Since he was only fourteen years old, most people would dismiss a kid and not think of them as a threat.

When it got cold, Devlin attempted to start a fire with the pieces of wood scattered around the warehouse. He tossed them into an empty metal barrel and tried rubbing two pieces of wood together. He couldn't generate enough friction to start a fire so he resorted to just using a lighter that he stolen from one of the people he had beaten up. 

But once that didn't warm the two brothers enough, Devlin checked themselves into a motel room. It was still a pretty shitty room given that it was probably the cheapest rent in the area, but it was warm enough for the boys. Devlin still had to work for Cheongang throughout winter, but the workload was lighter and he enjoyed having a warm place to return to.

As time passed, Cheongang grew. Devlin became stronger and rose through the ranks. He became leader of the first generation Action Squad. His share of the illegal income increased. Devlin was able to afford proper food now, but he made sure to continue saving money. Once the weather wasn't as bad, Devlin intended to look for an apartment to rent.

On Christmas Eve, Devlin bought a king-sized chocolate bar for Donald and croissant with chocolate filling. Donald enjoyed his gifts.

"Dev, do you know when's your birthday?" Donald asked.

"O-Of course I know..." Devlin lied. "I just didn't think it was important to celebrate it,"

"I know...that you're not the real Devlin..." Donald whispered. 

Devlin stared at him with wide eyes. "W-What are you talking about?"

Donald lifted his head and made eye contact with him. "The real Devlin Na stopped breathing an hour before you appeared. I checked his pulse and his heartbeat but they were all suddenly took over his body,"

"How...How did you know that I wasn't the real Devlin?"

"Because the real Devlin hated me," Donald revealed. "He used me as a human shield and would also beat me. The moment you shielded me and protected me, I knew that you were different. I didn't understand how you took over Devlin's body, but I could tell that you weren't the original Devlin,"

Devlin bit his lip and looked away. "Do you...hate me?"

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because I'm some random dude that got somehow thrown into your brother's body,"

"You treated me better than the real Devlin ever did," Donald pointed out. "You protected me. You're raising me. You're providing for me. You are my big brother,"

"You're kinda too perceptive for a little kid," Devlin smiled and wiped away a stray tear.

"I spend my days reading books and learning new information," Donald deadpanned. "Gray and I don't have any other friends besides each other,"

An awkward silence filled the room. "Why did you suddenly bring this up if you knew I wasn't the real Devlin from the beginning?" 

"I wanted to know why you'd go so far for me," Donald said. "I wanted to know why you would be willing to get hurt for someone you aren't even related to,"

"I was an adult when I died," Devlin revealed. "I also have a twin brother and a younger sister. When I saw you, a child, being hurt, my protective big brother instincts kicked in," He sighed. "Don, I'm gonna be honest with you. There were time I really thought about only saving myself," 'There were times when I thought that you'd be fine without my help since you managed to survive in canon,' 

"I couldn't bring myself to leave you behind. You were a helpless child and your mother did a pretty shitty job protecting you. But that's not the only reason. I...I had no purpose and I didn't want to be alone in a world I've never been in,"

"A world you've never been in?" Donald questioned.

"South Korea," Devlin quickly told him. "I've never been to South Korea. All the info I know about this country are from comics, social media posts, and the news," It wasn't exactly a lie. Skai had really never been to South Korea before. There was no way he was going to tell Donald that he was from another world and that Donald's world was a fictional comic.

"As I was saying, I didn't want to be alone. I also didn't have a purpose. If I was on my own, I'd probably have struggled for a bit before giving up. Since I had you to protect and raise, I had a reason to continue living,"

"What about your family?" Donald asked. 

"Even if I somehow had the funds and the proper documents, I can't just randomly approach them and claim to be me," Devlin pointed out. 'And I don't know how to get home,' "They'll think I'm crazy and I'd be thrown into an insane asylum,"

"Do you miss them?"

"Of course I do," Devlin said sadly. "I miss my brother and my sister and my cousin. I've come to terms that I'll probably never see them again, but I still miss them," 'Is my body in the Real World even still alive? Or maybe I'm in a coma? If I was in a coma and on life support, I'd rather my family just pull the plug so they don't have to suffer seeing me like that,'

Donald hugged Devlin tightly. " you consider me to be your real bro?"

"Yeah, of course," Devlin gently ran a hand through his brother's hair. "But, uh, since I don't have access to Devlin's birth certificate or legal documents, when's his birthday? Just in case someone asks,"

"December 31,"

"Huh, so only a few days from now," Devlin shrugged. "Anyway, do you want to go into town today and look at all the Christmas decor?"

Donald nodded. The two brothers layered up as many clothes as possible to keep warm. Devlin made a mental note to buy some warmer clothes for Donald since he was still growing.

The two boys walked through the crowded city. They stared in awe at the colorful lights and the multitude of red and green decorations. They cheered when they saw the holiday performances.

"Why are those parents and kids standing in line?" Donald pointed at the people who were waiting for their turn for their kids to sit on Santa's laps.

"For some reason people are fine with their kids sitting on a complete stranger's lap and that stranger will ask them what they want for Christmas," Devlin answered. "I personally think it's kinda strange to sit on a stranger's lap. If it were a friend or family member dressed up as Santa, it'd seem fine to me. But a stranger's lap? Ugh,"

The two brothers continued to go through town until both of them started getting tired and sleepy. They returned to their motel room and happily drifted off to sleep.

Word Count: 1149

There's probably going to be a four year time skip next chapter.

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