Chapter 18

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Donald paced around his apartment anxiously. It was late at night and Devlin still hadn't returned home. If he was staying out late for a date with Changhui, Devlin would've notified him beforehand. And...Devlin wasn't answering Donald's calls or texts. All of his texts were left unread. Even when Devlin was part of the so-called fight club, he always came home no matter how injured he was. 

Donald was panicking. Something had happened to his big brother and he had no idea where he was. He didn't know what to do and found himself calling Gray.


"Is Devlin with you?" 

"No, why?"

"He hasn't come home yet and he isn't answering my calls or reading my texts. Something happened to him,"

"Mom and I will try calling him. If he doesn't answer, we'll go to the police and report him missing,"

"Okay," Donald forced himself to keep a poker face. He didn't want to break down and cry. He wanted to be strong. He had to be strong.

When Devlin didn't answer Mom Yeon's call, Mom Yeon and Gray stopped by Donald's apartment to pick Donald up. They drove to the police station to file a missing person report.

Donald couldn't just sit still and wait for the police so he started running down the streets to look for his brother. Mom Yeon and Gray were worried about him and decided to assist with the search.

'Devlin...where are you?"


The executives of Manwol had just finished a meeting with the executives of Cheongang and had just left the Octagon. Kenny noticed the strong metallic scent of iron coming from an alley and saw a figure lying on the ground. Normally he'd ignore it but despite the horrible lighting, Kenny was able to recognize the person's face as his former assistant teacher from soccer class.

"Go on ahead without me," He told his fellow gang members who shrugged and left without questioning him.

Kenny rushed over to Devlin's side and felt his wrist and the side of his neck for a pulse, but found none. "Fuck!" He quickly dialed 119, put his phone on speaker mode, and set it down on the ground as he started applying CPR. He informed the operator of the situation as he rapidly pushed down on Devlin's chest.

'How long has he been here!? How long has it been since he stopped breathing!? If I recall correctly, if a person is unable to breathe or lacks a pulse for more than five minutes, they die!'

An ambulance was quick to arrive and the paramedics took over the CPR as they rushed him to the nearest hospital. Police had also arrived to take Kenny's statement. Eventually, Kenny was left to head home alone.

He was shaken up by the incident. Even though he was an executive of Manwol, the gang that ruled over Yeongdeungpo, Kenny was bothered by the bloody and beaten sight of Devlin. Kenny had seen his share of beaten and bloodied people. He had been the one to willingly beat up some of those people. The fact that Devlin hadn't been terrified Kenny. The thought of violence seemed less appealing now.

'What if I accidentally go too far? One wrong hit to the head could cause someone to stop breathing and if we don't notice it immediately, they can die. I don't...I don't want to potentially cause someone's death, especially since Manwol is known for being brutal and not stopping until we're satisfied with our win,'

'What if...I end up like Devlin? What if someone from a rival gang jumped me? What if I stopped breathing like Devlin did? What if...the paramedics don't arrive in time and I end up dying? Jake would be devastated!' He couldn't bear the thought of dying and leaving Jake behind. 'I don't think...I want to be part of Manwol anymore,' He couldn't immediately leave as he wished, but he had time to plan for the right moment. 


Devlin was miraculously revived but was declared comatose. Donald silently sat beside his brother while Mom Yeon spoke with the doctors and police officers. Gray could only comfort Donald with a silent hug.

Donald was full of rage. He was angry at himself for not being there for his big brother. He was angry at himself for not being able to protect Devlin. He was angry at himself for not knowing who the culprits were. 

'Devlin doesn't deserve to suffer like this!' Donald angrily formed fists and dug his nails deep into his palm, nearly drawing blood. 'I need to get stronger! I need to get stronger to be able to protect Devlin! I need to get strong enough so that everyone fears me and wouldn't even dare to think about going after my brother! I'll make sure the name Donald Na sends shivers down everyone's spines!'

"The patient will definitely live, but it is unknown when he will wake up. We were surprised that we managed to restart his heart in the first place, given how long he had stopped breathing for. I'm sorry, but the only thing we can do is keep him on life support and wait,"

Mom Yeon walked over to Donald's side. "Would you like to stay with us for the time being? It might be a bit lonely at your apartment,"

"I'm fine," Donald declined immediately. "I think I'll transfer out of Byuksan after I have all my documents organized,"

"But why?" Gray asked, confused by Donald's sudden decision.

"I'd rather be alone," Donald said as he stood up to leave. Once he returned to his apartment, he punched the wall in anger. 'Even though it's only been a month into the school year, everyone already knows that Gray and I are close friends. I plan to get into fights to prove my strength on the streets and I can't have Gray caught in the crossfire,'

'I'll start off fresh in a new school. Currently, I have my sights on Yeo-Il Middle School. The principal seems to be shady so it'll be easy for me to get blackmail in order to easily have my transfer accepted,'

Word Count: 1000

Changhui doesn't know that Devlin's comatose yet.

Fun Fact: Devlin's name come from Devlin Levin from Ben 10.

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