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A huge mansion is in front of my eyes!

I entered the mansion which is way bigger than Count's mansion with the Duke.

All the servants seemed nice as they didn't look at me with scornful eyes like the servants of Count's mansion.

"Welcome to the mansion madam, I am Butler Biltuld Cordir."

I accepted the butler's greetings and went ahead to my room which the maid showed me.

"Pardon me for my late introduction madam I am 'Casey', I will attend to you."

I gave her a light smile and said "I will call you when needed so could you leave me alone for now?"

"Yes, madam. Call me if you need anything."

I sat on the bed and relaxed for a moment. So I'm here, what now? I asked myself. After resting for a while I remembered that the keepsake of my mother was sent to me by the father. A beautiful necklace with blue stones that matched my mother's eyes with silver ivy designed on it. My step mother must be devastated as she always wanted it but I got it instead. I chuckled a little thinking about her frowned face.


Casey, visited the room to ask me for food and I had the most delicious dinner of my life. The sweetness of the pie is still in my mouth. Then casey asked me 'Should I help to get ready now'?

I came to my senses, Delphimium, 'how could you be so careless?' You can't just rest now. I told myself and started getting ready.

"Madam is the water okay for you?"

Casey asked, 'I nodded' then she put some rose petals, it was so fragrant it was my first time taking a bath like this and I was enjoying it. Casey put some oil on my body and I wore my robe.

"Madam this dress is pretty, Duke would be happy to see you in it!"

She said it with blushing cheeks, I didn't say anything as I knew it was my duty to bear a child for the Duke so I was prepared for it.

A black dress which was thin that my skin was visible I covered myself with another robe.

"I will stay like this until the Duke comes." I said.

Casey smiled at me and then she left the room.

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