Chicken Wrap

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The nerd woke up, checking their surroundings and noticing that everybody else was asleep. They stood up quietly, stretching and checking the time. It was quite early, and the other guests wouldnt arrive for a while. They began to clean up all of the toilet paper from the previous night. Once the place looked almost spotless, they got in their car and drove back to their house to pick up Emelda and Alma, as well as to open Barney's coop.

When they arrived back around an hour later, everybody else had woken up, and the other guests has arrived. Emelda and Alma sat where they usually did, with the rest of Gage's family.

"Chaps! I've brought the child!" Gage declared.

Most of the guests were confused, other than the nerd's family, whilst Tien, Fries, Cassie, Kate, Zari, and Hippo rushed up to them.

"Well, get him, you rhetorical umbrella!" Tien demanded.

Gage nodded, heading to their car to get 'the child'.

"Child? Gage has a child?" Sylver asked, tilting his furry head.

"You'll see." Hippo's tail wagged as she impatiently waited for Gage to come back.

Gage came back, something alive cradled in their arms. Everyone who was waiting at the door swarmed closer, patting the thing they were holding and talking to it in baby voices.

"Give him space, chaps. I'll allow him to walk around freely." Gage said, everyone moving back slightly. Gage then let Barney hop out of their arms as he pecked the ground and looked around the room.

"Barney!" All of the excited members exclaimed, patting the rooster.

Barney stared at everybody as they stroked his feathers. He scratched his wattles, then sneezed, making them all awe over him. Frank and Joyce stared at the scene, slightly disgusted by the chicken. Trevor stood up, also patting Barney.

"He's so cute!" Trevor commented, fluffing up Barney's feathery hairdo. "I want one!"

"We're not getting a chicken." Mysie scoffed. Trevor frowned at his wife's decision.

"All right, enough of pampering the adorable wig fashionista, we need to get ready for cross country. Do your chores, greedy goldmines!" Tien gave Barney a final pat before she went to groom Florian.

Everybody parted ways, the Formal Friesians Riding School members doing their chores. Gage entered the tack room to clean some tack with Barney following them. Cassie was bringing a scoop of grain from the feed room and into one of the horse stalls, accidentally tripping a slight bit and spilling the grain. Gage peeked out from the tack room, seeing the mess that the vampire had created.

"Oops." Cassie shrugged, staring at the nerd.

"Bloody hell." Gage muttered under their breathe, grabbing a broom to clean the mess.

Cassie went to get some more grain. Barney noticed that Gage was no longer in the room. He strutted out, seeing them and charging at them with his wings out, pecking the bottom of their pants gently. Gage stared at him as he attempted to intimidate his owner. Once he realised that the nerd showed no fear, he ran with his wings out, storming toward Alfred. He pecked his shoe in an attempt to assert dominance.

"That was weak, chap." Alfred chuckled, picking Barney up and placing him in his lap, regardless of his hackle feathers being raised. Barney quickly settled on his leg, laying down and letting Alfred and Martha pat him.

Cassie came back with more grain, seeing the nerd desperately trying to pick up every last piece of dust from the ground. She smiled menacingly, then poured the fresh scoop of horse food onto their bald head.

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