#159 The Road To Happiness . . . !!

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The road to happiness is made of a thousand pivots. It is not that you are brave for one, daring moment, but that you learn to live at the edge of your comfort — no longer resting on what's easy, but leaning into what's challenging and enriching and gorgeous and true. It is not that you try once, but you keep trying until something lands, something sticks, something stays, and roots, and grows. It is not that you leap once, but that you keep leaping in the direction of what warms your chest and makes you feel most alive. It is not that you have the courage to defy what's familiar and reach for what you desire, but that you keep reaching and you keep defying until you have rebuilt your comfort zone around what will make want to be - until you have you the person you most grown to crave and prefer what you ultimately need more than what you temporarily want.

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