#38 Come Home To Yourself 🧡

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The most enduring happiness comes from being yourself.

It comes from working towards the things you love, expressing the ways you truly feel, sharing the things you want others to see.

I understand, the possibility of judgement and criticism is daunting. But friend, no matter what you do in life, people are going to have an opinion on it. People are going to perceive you, critique you, and disagree with you. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

You don't need to be admired by everyone. You don't need everyone to agree with you. The moment you accept this, you free yourself to blossom fully into your truest being.

So please- post that video, start that project, share that artwork, live your truth.

It is better to be judged for who you are than to linger inside a body that doesn't feel like yours.


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