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The people, places and things that are destined for you are the ones that give you as much energy as they take. What's meant for us becomes a symbiotic force- when we move toward what's right, what's right moves toward us.


Everything that is truly right for you will make you feel at peace.

Everything that is meant for you will feel like a deep exhale, as though you are returning home to a place you forgot existed. We so often yearn and want for the things that help us escape who we are, but the things that are actually meant for us - the ones that arrive and stay - they make us feel a sense of steady calm. We do not need to be swept off our feet, but grounded through them. In the moment is where love really exists. At the moment it is the only place we can come alive.

Everything that is truly right for you will make you feel at ease. Everything that is truly right for you will seem so simple, so obvious, so comfortable. Everything that is truly right for you will choose you as quickly as you choose it. Everything that is truly right for you will happen serendipitously and spontaneously. It will come to you when you expect it and when you don't, as both a surprise and a certainty. It will seem like such an obvious fact of your life and yet entirely new, all at once.

The truth is that we often come to believe that the things that are most right for us are the ones that give us the biggest emotions, and that is a mistake. The things that are truly right for us give us the deepest emotions. Love is a pervasive, steady presence, not a heart-pumping dash of lust. Destiny is a subtle coincidence, it makes you stop and say, well, isn't it funny how that worked out.

The truth is that the things that are most right for us are also the easiest to miss, because they are often subtle at first.

Little things become big things over time, we just have to give them a chance. We just have to stay the course. We just have to realize that life will magnetize to us what is meant to be ours.

Our only job is to step out of the way.

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