#118 We ARE MISFITS &&...!

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We're all searching for a glimpse of happiness we see in passing photographs on the internet. We're all searching for our divine purpose and where we fit in this chaotic world. We are all misfits and incomplete masterpieces. We're all yearning for something just out of reach and desperate to fill the void that has been there since we grew out of childhood. We are all trying to find our way in a world that constantly crushes our dreams and aspirations. We are beautiful and move at our own paces. I have to remind myself that everybody's journey looks different, that it's okay if my life doesn't align with yours, that I'm not behind on an imaginary timeline, that I'm already whole even if it doesn't feel like it just yet. Nothing is perfect. There is no need for judgment when we are all trying our best with what we've been given.. there is no need for judgment when we are all human.

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