#78 Waiting..!

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There are some emotions which heal the self as one experiences them...they may prick, they may sadden yet that process turns out to be therapeutic, like a sense of joy which is rare to be found... almost like the happiness after a sunrise or the freshness of air after a rare rain...


Waiting has a beauty of its own,
Like longing painted in monochrome...
Like a lone crumpled leaf waiting for spring,
Like the stillness the dark thunder clouds bring,
Like a lone bird that soulfully sings.

Like them all, I wait for you,
Dig in memories, to seek anew.
I know not if you'll come to me again.
Will I ever have my life regained...
But I am content as I wait,
Some day, in some life, to be let
in through your heart's gate.

Plethora Of Thoughts ✨Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora