#133 Storytelling: TEAM SUCCESS ✨

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A farmer used to grow very good quality corn in his fields.

He would participate in the National crop fair and used to win every year.

One year a reporter came to a competition to interview him, curious to know how he has been able to win every year.

After the results, the reporter asked, "Congratulations on the win. How do you win every year? What's your secret?"

"Thank you for your wishes. I was able to win because of everyone's effort and hard work." Farmer replied.

The reporter asked, "I asked around about you and came to know that every year you share your best quality seeds with your neighbours and other farmers free of cost. Why so?"

Farmer replied, "When wind blows, pollen grains of ripe maize, spreads in surrounding fields.

If my neighbours sow poor quality corn, then pollen grains from his fields will also be scattered in my fields.

And due to cross pollination, the quality of my crops will also deteriorate.

So if I want to grow good corn then I should help my neighbours too."


Bottomline: In order for you to succeed, it's not necessary that others have to lose. Get rid of the mentality that only you should succeed. Rather think of helping others in the process, to massively come up in your life.


I hope this helps and I hope you learnt something new today before going to bed darlings❤️
Goodnight! Sleep tight, Don't let the bed bugs bite 💤😴

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