#137 I BET ON ME 🦋✨

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Bet on yourself. You are more capable than you think. Please don't underestimate your abilities to learn, adjust, and get better at things. Developing the skills, habits, and mindset that will support your goals takes time, but you won't create your desired reality if you never make the decision to start pursuing it. It's okay to be a beginner. It's okay to not know everything. It's okay to make changes that align with a version of yourself that you've never been before. Living through your vision of success is possible. You have it in you to accomplish all that you currently fantasize about.


Affirm: My dreams are possible. I have what it takes to achieve them. I choose to believe in myself. I choose to put in genuine effort to create the reality I want to experience. I deserve the best of what this life has to offer. I BET ON ME 🦋✨

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