#151 D A Y S ✨

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There is still so much love to be felt and life to be lived. There are still some of your favorite days coming and I hope you keep going knowing you will always have an angel with you through all of the new memories you're going to make here. And you'll never, ever, be alone. You should be so proud of yourself for how you are going through what you shouldn't be going through right now. You are a light, you are a being of grace, you are filled with goodness. People notice and look up to your strength.


There will be days when the grief feels as unbearable as it did in the first few days, please, be extra gentle with yourself on these days.

Grief can make you feel sick, like the weight of the loss physically makes you feel weak and incapable of doing anything.

Grief can make you feel anxiety like you've never felt before, like the reality of the loss tightens your chest and makes breathing feel difficult.

Grief can make you feel hopeless, like you can't go another day without the person you no longer have here and being with them feels too far away to keep going. You know they want you to keep going but you are at a loss of how to keep going from the loss. You go into survival mode and do whatever you have to do to get through every second of the day. Every second you're just waiting for the next second to pass so you can hopefully fall asleep at night and leave this new reality for a few hours just to catch a break from the pain. Grief can make you feel out-of-body, disassociated with reality, struck by sadness that makes you question everything.

Grief can also bring people back together and bring people closer together than they've ever been before. It can teach you how to take care of yourself like you've never had to before. It can leave an imprint on someone who heard your story that decides to love their loved ones better. It can create a ripple of kindness in communities. It can teach us how to actually live our lives if we let it. I am not saying grief is good, but it can inspire goodness.

So when you're wondering if you'll ever get through, remind yourself that it's okay to be completely not okay some days. It's okay to take a break from work or be the best parent you can be. It's okay to not know how to ask for help or where/how to begin healing. No matter what, the loved one you lose will somehow, someway, help you to keep pushing through the unbearable days. You will feel a second of peace that I hope you hold on to as a reminder from them that they are still with you. You will feel a second of warmth in your heart seeing something that reminds you of them and maybe it's them sending you a hug from heaven.

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